Review of the Steelsring Nikon F to Fujifilm GFX Smart Autofocus Adapter


After a long wait, the Steelsring Nikon F to Fujifilm GFX Smart Autofocus Adapter started to be available towards the end of 2019.

You can find it here on AmazonUS.

No Dylan published his review, which you can see below. Here are the main points:

  • it’s not the cheapest adapter
  • allows you to autofocus with the more modern Nikon G and E type lenses
  • good build quality
  • mounting on GFX mount does not sound quite as smooth as mounting a GFX lens on the body or a Laowa lens. On the other side, the Nikon mount part feels good
  • ability to control aperture
  • you have an aperture ring on the adapter for G type lenses, and you can set it to AUTO for E type lenses
  • E type lenses with magnetic aperture can be controlled electronically via the GFX body
  • G type lenses are not really fully supported. Aperture control is purely mechanical and the adapter doesn’t actually know which position it is in. Aperture value is not send to the camera. The lens can only communicate to the body what its widest aperture is, but if you stop down, it is unable to tell you who much it stopped down
  • loose aperture ring
  • aperture stops are very close together, hence not easy to be accurate
  • autofocus speed depends a lot on the lens.
  • you will see wobbeling of the contast AF detect system
  • GFX100 phase detection system is not supported
  • You won’t get Nikon level focus speed, because the GFX system is not capable of that
  • if you accept an autofocus speed a bit slower than native GFX lenses, then it can work for you
  • there is more or less strong vignetting depending on the lens
  • wide open, sharpness is not quite as high as on Nikon cameras, as the Nikon lenses where not designed to resolve over such a large sensor. If you stop down, things get much better
  • for more sharpness better use GFX lenses

This is the summary of the video below. But Dylan posted an article about it also on fstoppers, that you can read here.

  • Steelsring NK-F/GFX smart autofocus adapter: AmazonUS / eBay

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

The GFX Community

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Fujifilm X-T4: First Bug Reports (Menu and IBIS) and Wishlist

Many FujiRumors readers are getting their long awaited Fujifilm X-T4 in these days. As a consequence, I also already get the first firmware suggestions and possible bug reports.

by Gerald & Richard

Loving the X-T4 but why the regression in the Q menu so custom simulation names aren’t shown?

the Q menu custom items can’t be renamed as it is possible on X-T3

So, even if you set the custom names, they will not appear in the display when pressing the Q button (as they do on X-T3 & Co).

Ok Fuji, I want a firmware fix before I even get my X-T4 ;).

by Albert (video below)

Just thought i would share my findings about the IBIS in the X-T4. Fingers crossed they release a firmware update for this.

by Kirill

I just got my pre-ordered X-T4 several days ago. After setting it up similarly to what I had on my previous X-T3, I came up a couple of ideas for even greater customization:

Drive dial in video
Currently, the DRIVE dial only controls camera behavior in STILL mode. Why not propagate it into MOVIE mode, as well? I suggest that each DRIVE setting activate a dedicated video profile. Just a few (potentially predefined, but modifiable) example profiles:

    1. HDR mode
      Activates the F-Log video recording.
    2. CL mode
      Activates 120 fps  slo-mo recording.
    3. CH mode
      Activates 240 fps slo-mo recording.

Dedicated Fn-button customization for STILL and MOVIE modes.
This could further improve the (already almost perfect) camera usability. As an example, the Fn1 button can be customized for triggering different actions, depending on currently selected recording mode:

    1. STILL mode
      Turns depth-of-field preview on and off.
    2. MOVIE mode
      Turns zebras on and off.

I’ve read several times that Fujifilm executives may follow your blog and listen to customer feedback. Maybe, there is a (albeit small) chance that these thoughts can materialize?

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Top X-T Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group
Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page

Viltrox 23mm f/1.4 First Look Review

Damian Brown got his hands on the Viltrox 23mm f/1.4 already. Here is what he thinks about the lens:

  • loose aperture ring. He moved it accidentally during shooting. Not really a dealbreaker, but he does not like it
  • click-free aperture ring (like the Viltrox 33mmf/1.4)
  • metal lens hood
  • STM focus motor. Nice option for video shooters
  • he used the lens on the Fujifilm X-T4
  • 52mm filter size
  • feels solid and well built
  • manual focus ring is well dampened, smooth
  • you can control the aperture with command dial if you want
  • vignetting is relatively strong. You better stop down a bit to get rid of it
  • lens is sharp
  • renders colors nicely
  • smooth and nice bokeh… can be swirly occasionally. Bokeh has character
  • autofocus is more than fast enough for him, and very accurate most of the time
  • video focus seems pretty smooth
  • occasionally he noticed focus breathing
  • very good build quality, sharp images, smooth video autofocus, and lives up to the standard set be the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 AF

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Fujifilm X-T4 Shipping already in USA (at Some Stores)

UPDATE: in Europe it is shipping already since April 28.

A fellow FR-reader contacted me, telling me that his Fujifilm X-T4 started shipping from a US retailer a few days ago. Yesterday he received it, and he also sent me the image of his black X-T4. He writes:

I sold a Nikon Z7 system to come back to Fuji after several years so I’m REALLY excited about this

According to all major retailers, shipping is marked as starting on May 11. But it’s clear they already have them in the warehouses, and some retailers just can’t wait to make their customers happy.

I never understood why Fujifilm sets a “shipping-embargo” on gear. If it’s there, why let it sit in the warehouse instead of shipping it to customers?

Many, really many fellow X Shooter already got his X-T4 especially here in Europe, and if you want some serious unboxing frenzy, check out or fantastic Fujifilm X-T group.

FujiRumors is on Patreon, Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed, Youtube, Flipboard and Twitter

Top X-T Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group
Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page