Fujifilm X-T4 LUT Now Available with Bleach Bypass Film Simulation LUT

A few days ago, Fujifilm has released the Fujifilm LUT v.1.30 for F-Log. Now also the Fujifilm X-T4 is listed.

Fujifilm added F-log to Bleach Bypass film simulation LUT and it can be used on F-log footage from all other Fujifilm cameras.


This LUT file is to edit the movie data below when the data is edited by a movie editor on your PC or Mac.

*4K movie data of X-T2 recorded in external HDMI devices with the mode of the “HDMI F-Log” under the “4K MOVIE OUTPUT” in the “MOVIE SETTING”
*4K and Full HD movie data of GFX100, X-T30, X-T3 , X-T4 ,X-Pro3, X-H1 and X100V recorded on SD cards or in external HDMI devices with the mode of the “F-Log RECORDING” in the “MOVIE SETTING”

F-Log 3D-LUT file (Last updated: 4.23.2020)

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Fuji Guys X-T4 How-To Guide: Get Ready for Your Fujifilm X-T4

The Fuji Guys want to make you fit for your Fujifilm X-T4, and launched a series to show you how to use certain feature on the X-T4.

Their first videos:

  • Touchscreen Options
  • Changing Shutter Speed / Aperture / ISO
  • Bracketing Options
  • Movie Optimized Control
  • Customizing the Q Menu
  • AF points
  • AF ON settings
  • custom profiles
  • Customizing FN Buttons

You can see the all down below.

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Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page

Fuji Guys Videos

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Viltrox 33mm f/1.4 Quick First Impressions and Comparison

Mattias Burling started its coverage about the Viltrox 33mm f/1.4.

He just shared his very first impression about the lens. Here they are:

  • all metal lens hood
  • pretty small but long. Would feel a bit long on something like an X-E camera
  • it can’t cover full frame, which is why size is contained (compared to the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8, which also fits on full frame cameras, hence the lens is bigger than it would be, if designed only for APS-C)
  • autofocus: it’s good. Single AF is quick and snappy. It’s much more quiet than the XF35mm f/1.4.
  • continuous AF seems to work well too. At least in bright conditions, which is where he tested it
  • aperture ring is step-less. He’d have preferred 1/3 stop clicks on aperture ring. It does not feel very smooth, unlike the focus ring, which is smooth like butter.
  • nice image quality. Fringing is under control but present. Vignetting behaves very well. Decently sharp at f/1.4 and of course much sharper when stopped down
  • it can easily catch haze when shooting strongly backlit subjects (also Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 behaves like that)

He then compares it to the Fujinon GF63mm f/2.8 mounted on the Fujifilm GFX 50R as well as to the cheap Canon 50mm. The Viltrox 33mm f/1.4 was the fastest focusing lens in the test.

The Viltrox 33mm f/1.4 AF is the second AF lens for Fujifilm X by Viltrox. Other two lenses, the Viltrox 23mm f/1.4 and Viltrox 56mm f/1.4 will follow later on.

We remind you that Tokina will also launch a 23mm/1.4, 33mm f/1.4 and 56mm f/1.4 lens in 2020, as we reported here. They look like re-branded Viltrox lenses. It will be interesting to see, though, if also the Tokina lenses will have a clickless aperture ring, too.

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Fujifilm GFX: Teardown, Full Spectrum Conversion, Why I Chose the GFX System, Leaving Sony FF for Fujifilm GFX & Much More

It’s time for a massive Fujifilm GFX roundup. There is really A LOT to see and read below. Have fun.

From Kolarivision, that disassembles the Fujifilm GFX and offers full spectrum conversion, to stories on why photographers pick the Fujifilm GFX system leaving Sony FF or other systems.

Ready? Then check it out all down below.

GFX Roundup

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RUMOR: Fujifilm Working on Fujinon XF 70-300mm f/4-5.6

Hey there,

If you follow FujiRumors regularly, you will know about the rumor we shared back in March, saying that Fujifilm is working on a Fujinon XF70-300mm lens.

Many of you asked me which aperture range it will have.

Well, today I can finally disclose it.

Fujifilm will release a Fujinon XF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 lens.

Now, not sure if you remember, but over 1 year ago here, Fujifilm publicy asked the Fujifilm community, which lenses they should make next.

Among the options they offered us to vote, there was a Fujinon XF80-300mm f/4.5-5.6.

Personally I am very happy to see them going for lens slightly wider (70mm instead of 80mm) and faster (f4 instead of f4.5). I prefer it even more than a constant f/4 lens, as that one would be bigger, heavier and more expensive.

I hope Fujifilm will be able to keep it rather compact, like the Sigma 100-400mm.

But I’d love to hear what you guys think, so you can vote the survey down below.

I think this super-telephoto lens fits perfectly in the lens lineup, as a natural follow up the XF16-80mm f/4.

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