Fujifilm Manager X-T4 Interview: Vary Angle Screen has Advantages also for Still Photographers, APS-C is Sweet Spot

10 days ago, the Japanese youtube channel カメラのキタムラ published two interviews with a Fujifilm manager talking about the Fujifilm X-T4.

Each video is 13 minutes long, and I didn’t understand a single word, so I had to rely on the automatic google translator tool, which also had its struggles.

But I went through it, and here are the things I think I could understand.

If some Japanese FR-reader has time, you can do a summary and share it in the comments below.

Video 1

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Fujifilm Releases Information of Avigan Tablet in Relation to Covid-19 Coronavirus

We reported a few days ago here, how Zhang Xinmin, director of the science ministry’s China National Center for Biotechnology Development, said that the Fujifilm produced drug Avigan “has a high degree of safety and is clearly effective in treatment”.

We also reported how a Japanese health ministry source suggested the drug was not as effective in people with more severe symptom.

Now Fujifilm has issued an official statement you can read below.

Press Release

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Fujifilm X-T30 Gets Firmware 1.20 Love and New Features Guide

Earlier today, Fujifilm released a couple of firmware updates.

The main course of the meal, was a significant firmware update for Fujifilm X-T30 cameras.

Along with the new X-T30 firmware, Fujifilm also published a new features guide for Fujifilm X-T30.

You can get it in several languages:

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