Holy Crop: Fujifilm GFX100 Pixel Shift Multishot Coming via Firmware Update

GFX100 image in normal mode... imagine what will happen when you quadruple the resoultion ;)
GFX100 image in normal mode… imagine what will happen when you quadruple the resoultion ;)

Back in October 2018, I told you the Fujifilm GFX100 will have pixel shift multishot. However, in March 2019 here, I got an update from a source, that pixel shift multishot won’t be ready for launch.

Some readers were worried, that this could all just be plain wrong rumors, and so I asked trusted sources again, and in July 2019 they confirmed: pixel shift multishot will come for sure, “it’s just a matter of time“.

Finally, Fujifilm officially disclosed plans for Pixel Shift multishot on Fujifilm GFX100 at the latest Fujifilm X summit.

They also showed a sample image during the X Summit live streaming (go to minute 40:20), but those are taken with GFX100 in normal mode (and it’s already impressive).

I thought this deserves to be highlighted in a dedicated article, as this is certainly a significant improvement the Fujifilm GFX100 will get via firmware update.

Holy crop… 400 megapixel.

The GFX Community

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First Win: Fujifilm X100V Looks Sexier than X100F You Say :)

For a while I thought, that it could happen.

Maybe the internet would find the the ultimate harmony and bring the perfect balance into the camera world.

In fact, the various Fujifilm X100V vs Fujifilm X100F beauty surveys, showed a 50/50 preference for each camera.

And I was hoping, that maybe it could happen, like in the “neutral response” Futurama video clip on youtube, where humanity unites since 10+ years to keep the balance between upvotes and downvotes.

But at the end, the Fujifilm X100V turned out the slight favorite in all of our surveys:

So, at least according to the FujiRumors community, Fujifilm was able to make the sexiest camera in the Fujifilm world even sexier. That’s already a nice achievement.

  • fujirumors.com – “Don’t Touch that Camera!” and About the Inspiration Behind the Fujifilm X Series Design

Fujifilm X100V
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Focuscamera
: AmazonDE / CalumetDE / WexUK / ParkcamerasUK / JessopsUK / AmazonUK / PCHstore

Top X100 Community: Fujifilm X100 facebook group

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Fujifilm X-T4 Announcement February 26 at 2PM Tokyo Time / Midnight in New York / 6 AM Berlin Time

Hey folks,

Fujifilm confirmed our rumors, and announced the Fujifilm X-T4 announcement for Febuary 26 at

  • Toyko: 2 PM of February 26
  • New York: the midnight of February 25/26
  • San Francisco: 9 PM of February 25
  • Berlin: 6 AM of February 26

So definitely grab some coffee guys ;).

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EXCLUSIVE: Fujifilm X100V will Cost $1,399 (plus Message to Source)

According to our sources, the Fujifilm X100V will see a slight price increase over the Fujifilm X100F.

The rumored price tag is of $1,399.

Stay on FujiRumors for the live streaming on 3PM New York time. It will all happen here, on fujirumors.com.

To the source: about the X100V weather sealing. Yes, you told me about. But when you told me, I checked with sources, and some told me that the camera alone is not weather sealed (and now I understand why). This is why I could not share, as I got conflicting reports. But thanks for pushing me to investigate this point further. I just was not fast enough to figure out the whole truth, so I didn’t share. But I consider you reliable for sure :). If you want to talk more directly, to exchange such (and much more) information in private, my email is fujirumor@gmail.com.

Fujifilm X Summit Today 3 PM New York Time: What we Expect, What Not and We Hope

On February 4, at 3PM New York time, there will be the Fujifilm X Summit in London.

Of course there will be a live stream here on FujiRumors at:

  • NEW YORK – 3 PM of February 4
  • BERLIN – 9 PM of February 4

So what can we expect, what not, and what are our hopes? Let’s go through it:


We will definitely see the Fujifilm X100V coming. The first Fujifilm X100V leaked image is already out, and so are the full X100V specs, which for your convenience we have compared side by side with Fujfiilm X100F.


According to our sources, the final announcement, with full specs and pre-orders, for the Fujifilm X-T4 will be on February 26.

I don’t know, though, if there will be some sort of “Fujifilm X-T4 development announcement“, as it happened with the Fujifilm X-Pro3 back at the second Fujfiilm X Summit. So they could show us a Fujifilm X-T4 prototype, but don’t disclose any of the specs. That’s always a possibility.

Also, we don’t expect any Fujifilm GFX camera, as there will be none coming in 2020.


Exactly one year after the first Fujifilm X summit in Dubai, where Fujifilm officially asked us which X lenses we want next in this survey, I think it would be high time to give us also a new roadmap. But I don’t know if there will be one. Or if they will wait for the Fujifilm X-T4 announcement to disclose it to the world.

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