Fujinon GF 90mm f/1.4 Lens Patent Surfaced

A recently spotted Fujifilm patent shows the design of a Fujinon GF 90mm f/1.4. In full frame DOF terms, this would be a 70mm f/1.1.

With the GF80mm f/1.7 R WR coming 2021, I don’t see much need for a Fujinon GF90mm f/1.4 R WR. The gaps the Fujinon G mount has to close are definitely others, such as a tilt shift lens and a Fujinon GF 20-36mm f/3.5-4.5 for example.

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via Mirrorlessrumors via Hi Lows Note

Fujifilm X100V vs X100F: The Ultimate Specs Comparison

I thought it could be appreciated by the FR-community, if I’d compare the full leaked Fujifilm X100V specs with the Fujifilm X100F specs.

Top Community: Fujifilm X100 Line facebook group

So, down below, you have the comparison.

Some rumors are exclusive FR rumors, others confirm previous rumors. So for example nokishtia mentions a “tilt screen”, but we know since this rumor (and real life X100V image leak), that it’s a 2 way tilt screen. Also, nokishita does not mention the lack of D-Pad.

The Fujifilm X100V will be announced on February 4 during the Fujifilm X Summit in London.

TO THE NEW SOURCE (who is rapidly climbing the trusted rankings): THANKS A LOT. From now on, there will be less filters, and your rumors will be shared faster. Thanks! Let’s keep the Fuji world on fire ;).

Fujifilm X100V Full Specs Leaked

Nokishita just leaked the full Fujifilm X100V specs here.

Top Community: Fujifilm X100 Line facebook group

The specs confirm also the 2 way tilt screen, which FujiRumors leaked already, as you cans ee from the leaked X100V real life image here.

The Fujifilm X100V will be announced at the Fujifilm X Summit live stream on February 4.

Precise time of the X100V live stream can be found here.

Fujifilm X100V Full Specs

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm Camera Remote 4.4.1 Released with iOS 13 Support Fix

Fujifilm camera remote 4.4.1 has just been released for iOS and Android.

  • Support for iOS13.
    Bug Fixes and performance improvements.
    *Above feature varies depending on the camera you use.

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