I have been asked about the Fujifilm X100VI price in Euro.
Well, according to our trusted sources, it will be €1,799.
And one more thing regarding the price in US Dollar.
I told you recently that according to a new source it would be of $1,599 (hence $200 more than X100V). I also asked you to take it with a grain of salt for now until I can confirm it by trusted source.
Now, given that the price in Euro will be €1,799, the US price of $1,599 is definitely realistic.
As a reference:
- X-T5 costs $1,699 in USA and €1,999 in Europe
- X-H2 costs $1,999 in USA and €2,249 in Europe
So there is this 250/300 difference between the USD and EURO price. And if confirmed, there would be a 200 difference also between the US/EURO price of the X100VI.
But an anonymous source (who decided to use a nickname – THANKS), gave us a different price in USD. I am now checking that information (and also the rest you’ve sent me, thanks a lot), and will share an update here on FujiRumors. And if I can’t check the price in a reasonable time with my trusted sources, I will share the one given to me by the anonymous source anyway.
It’s just, usually when I need to correct a potentially wrong rumor, I want to to be sure the correction is 100% the final word on that particular rumor. That’s why I take a bit of time to try to get it confirmed by trusted sources.
It could also be that both sources are accurate, just one source got a more updated information than the other.
Fujifilm really loves to change its mind on the pricing a couple of times before they release the gear. And actually it also happened that Fujifilm made rapid changes shortly after announcement, as for example with the Fujifilm X70, which was launched for $799, and just a few days after launch, while still on pre-order, Fujifilm lowered the retail price to $699 as you can see here.
Anyway… I will try to figure out which is the most up to date information.