Fujifilm X-T4 Rumors Surfaced – REPORT

Fujifilm X-T4 – SPECS

Over at our wonderful Fujifilm X-T facebook group, Jason claims to have talked to a reliable contact at Fujifilm, and it told him here regarding the Fujifilm X-T4.

  • X-T4 with IBIS
  • expect a T4 about 1/3 of an inch thicker, and about 5-6oz heavier
  • On a good note expect 6k60 and 10bit internal
  • anamorphic ratio
  • fully articulating flippy…essentially an S1H but APSc with Fuji color and obviously much smaller
  • release end of 2020

I don’t know if this is correct. Surely IBIS sounds plausile, as Fujifilm managers repeatedly said, that they work on making the IBIS unit smaller, so that they can fit it into other (not X-H) X series cameras

Where I disagree, though, is Jason’s report that the Fujifilm X-H2 will never come. To my knowledge, the X-H2 will come!

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Don’t Panic, Fujifilm X-H2 is on Fuji’s Roadmap!

Fellow FR-readers!

There will be a Fujifilm X-H2.

The only question that I have to figure out now, is not “if” but “when“. And apparently it will still take rather long to see X-H2 coming.

And if you don’t trust me, then trust Fujifilm managers, who already said here, that both lines, the X-H and X-T, will continue to exist in future.

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X-LR v.2.0 Released: Plug-in that Automatically Applies Fujifilm Film Simulations in Lightroom

We reported first about X-LR back in March 2017 here.

X-LR is a Lightroom plug-in that reads Fujifilm’s Film Simulation from your RAW file and automatically applies corresponding profile when you import your images to Lightroom.

Now X-LR is receiving an update.

You can find a version 2.0 of the X-LR plugin for Lightroom at lightroomsolutions here.

One big issue it fixed is that Adobe quietly introduced new film simulation profiles with a v2 suffix for the X-T3 and now the X-T30. This release addresses that change and supports any new Fuji cameras for which Adobe introduce v2 profiles.

It has other improvements too:

  • Supports Adobe’s v2 profiles for X-T3 and X-T30 cameras
  • Support for X-H1 Eterna film simulation
  • Extracts maker notes as custom fields
  • Can run a preset if the camera detected faces
  • Read ratings and film simulations from JPEG-only shots
  • Expert Mode
    • Incremental Lightroom slider values
    • Ranges of values – eg FacesDetected tag greater than 1 can apply a portrait preset
  • Better logging

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3D Print Your Fujifilm Accessories: Lens Hoods, PC Sync Terminal Cap, Hot Shoe Covers & More

Fuji 3D Prints

FR-reader Mic contacted me, telling me about several Fujifilm accessories you can 3D print.

Mic himself printed a PC Sync Terminal Cap for X-T1 (works also on X-T2 and X-T3).

But there are many other things, for example:

  • reversible lens hood for the Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4
  • X hotshoe
  • battery terminal cover for Fuji NP-W126
  • thumb grips
  • extension tubes
  • and more

You can access the full 3D printed Fuji X accessories at this yeggi database.

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Fujifilm X-Pro3 Reviews: HDR Plus Sample Images and Enjoying the Feel Rather than Pixel Peeping

Godon from Cameralabs shows the HDR Plus feature on X-Pro3

Fujifilm X-Pro3 – The Miracle ;)

Here a roundup of Fujifilm X-Pro3 reviews.

Notice how that they mostly focus on shooting experience, rather than pixel peeping. And honestly that’s kind of refreshing, as we usually are bombarded with charts, crops and comparisons when a new camera comes out.

Seen from this perspective, the Fujifilm X-Pro3 already achieved what it’s ment for: focus on feel and experience, rather than technical specs.

In case of Gordon (Cameralabs), he says the hidden screen helped him to review images and access menus way less than he normally does. He says:

Previously I always preferred the X-T series over the X-Pro series. But with the X-Pro3 I was surprised just how refreshing and enjoyable I found the experience, how little I worried about settings or features and how much I’d like to shoot with it again.

The Features

With that said, of course the reviewers also go over the new features of this camera.

For example, Gordon from Cameralabs shows samples of the new HDR plus mode, a feature that Gordon says “makes a really good job”. Press the shutter once, and the camera takes three images and combines them into one HDR image (see images below). It works used handheld.

Oh… and Gordon LOVES the new Classic Negative film simulation.

Now let’s cross fingers that all the X-Pro3 firmware goodness on the X-T3, X-T30 and GFX100.

Sure, I have been told that Fujifilm is working on it, but it never hurts to remind Fujifilm how much we’d love to have a Kaizen update ;).

The Viewfinder Tidbit

One more thing worth to notice.

As you know, the optical viewfinder on the “old” X-Pro2 had a build-in 0.36x and 0.60x magnification modes. So, when you use let’s say a 35mm lens, in order for your frame not be too small in the viewfinder, you could switch to the 0.60x magnification.

This is no longer possible with X-Pro3, as it has a fixed OVF magnification of 0.52x.

However, Gordon says that the overall much bigger optical viewfinder on the X-Pro3 helps to compensate for the lack of 0.60x magnification.

For your convenience, down below I have extracted and overlayed both viewfinder frames at 23 and 35 so you get a clear idea how big the difference really is.

With all that said, check out the Fujifilm X-Pro3 review roundup below.

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Fujifilm X-Pro3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera

The Reviews

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