Fujinon XF16-80mm f/4 to be Sold as Fujifilm X-T3 Kit Lens towards End of 2019

When the Fujinon XF16-80mm f/4 was launched back in July, I wondered why Fujifilm didn’t give us the option to buy it bundled with any Fuji X series camera.

Some FR-readers said it’s because the lens is not yet available, but IMHO, this does not make sense, since Fujifilm could simply take pre-orders on a camera/lens bundle, just as they take pre-orders on the lens only.

So I hit up a couple of sources, and I got the following answer.

The Fujinon XF16-80mm f/4 will be initially sold only separately (it will ship September), but towards the end of the year, Fujifilm will offer it as a bundle with the Fujifilm X-T3.

So, if you plan to purchase both, the Fujifilm X-T3 and the XF16-80mm f/4, then I strongly recommend you not to purchase both items separately in September, but wait a few weeks until the bundle X-T3/16-80 bundle is out, since you might save a few bucks.

The sources specifically mentioned the bundle with Fujifilm X-T3 and did not mention other cameras. Which does not mean other bundles can’t be included.

Summer is almost over, and the time for rumors is coming!

So do you want to have fun?

Then make sure to follow FujiRumors on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed, Youtube, Flipboard and Twitter.

Rumors and Discussions

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The Fujifilm GFX-H100 4K Filmmaker’s Camera with X-Trans Sensor? More Slides and Details on FujiRumors

An old slides is circulating again on the web, regarding a video centric Fujifilm GFX-H100 camera with X-Trans sensor.

Of course FujiRumors reported about this already a few months ago here.

Not only, we have also shared additional 3 slides exclusively for you, which go even more in detail on how Fujifilm imagines this camera.

So let me recap that for you down below.

X Trans Fujifilm GFX100 Details

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New Hartblei Zeiss Superrotators for Fujifilm GFX


The new Hartblei Zeiss Superrotators Shift and Tilt with 3×360º rotation for Fujifilm GFX are ready:

  • 4/40mm IF (Distagon)
    Price: €5395
  • 2,8/80mm (Planar)
    Price: €3295

They come in addition to the one announced last year here:

  • 4/120mm (Macro Planar)
    Price: €4595

A set of all three will be €11956,50, all prices net+ shipment.

In this post you can see 2 teasers of the 4/40mm IF which has a measured 200 lp/mm (see Zeiss Datasheet).

Hartblei already takes orders and can deliver right now those they have in stock. If they are built on orders it takes about 4-6 weeks until delivery.

You can contact Hartblei:

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Rumors and Discussions

via HBcam

Fujifilm Manager and Kevin Raber talk GFX100: “No Dials Improve Weather Sealing”

Kevin Raber, former publisher of Luminous-Landscape, is now back with his old team and they have started photoPXL.

In this episode, you can see Fujifilm manager Mike Bolbenko giving an overview on the Fujifilm GFX100.

I’ll skip things (specs) that I believe you all know already, and sum up below a few other points:

  • the term “medium format” is a film concept
  • in digital terms the current GFX sensor is better called “large format”
  • Fujifilm removed all the dials on the Fujifilm GFX100 because:
    – main reason for dial removal is that it improves weather sealing
    – about 50% of the users are going to shoot tethered
  • 16 bit makes files allows for more push/pull or color shifts
  • with flash, use mechanical shutter
  • electronic shutter for shooting fast and shallow DOF on brights sunny day
  • electronic shutter is silent. The company that made sound blimps, went bankrupt last year
  • electronic front curtain minimizes the shutter shake
  • max IBIS is 5.5 stops. With third party lenses you get up to 5
  • Kevin Raber recommends to keep IBIS on even when working on a tripod
  • Kevin Raber says Fuji stands behind customers, when it comes to repair (shutter lock on GFX100) and also firmware updates
  • Fujifilm can’t give film simulations color science to third parties. So, for people who want perfect match, they can use the free Fujifilm X RAW Studio software

Over at the blog, you can also read articles like the “Using The Fuji 50R To Shoot Steam Engines In The Cold Of Winter“. Check it out at photopxl.

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama

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The GFX Community

Vote Your Top Value for Money Fujifilm X MILC Cameras

Top Value for Money Fuji X?

I get lots, really lots of emails every month, from people asking me which Fujifilm camera they should buy.

This is a hard question for me to answer, since it is such a very subjective matter.

It’s not only a matter of price and specs, but, especially in the Fujifilm world, also of ergonomics, since Fuji offers so many different styled cameras, that from one side we are blessed with ergonomic choices, but on the other side it makes the choice more difficult as for example in the Sony world, where you get one camera body, that’s it, take it or leave it.

So what I do, is that I can give a general answer on what I consider the best value for money option in the Fujifilm world.

At the time of this post, I usually recommend the Fujifilm X-H1, especially now, where it can be purchased for $999 only with vertical grip and two spare batteries, and you even save more if bundled with the lenses below:

But I wanted to hear what you guys think is the best value for money camera.

In future, when somebody asks me about, I will just link to this article, and say “this is what thousands of Fujifilm shooters think is the best value for money Fuji camera“.

I will keep the fixed lens cameras out of the competition, and I will only list the most modern camera of each camera line.

REMEMBER: it’s NOT a survey about your favorite camera, but a survey about the best value for money camera.


Then vote down below.

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