Fujifilm GFX100 vs Phase One and Technical Analysis with Eye AF, IBIS Performance, AF Accuracy and More

Here is another major Fujifilm GFX100 roundup, focussed on Matt Granger’s GFX100 comparison with the Phase One and Jim Kasson’s excellent ongoing technical analysis of the Fujifilm GFX100 virtues and shortcomings.

Check it out all down below.

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama

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Fujifilm GFX100 vs Phase One

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The Complete Fujifilm X Series Guide Updated: Now with Fujinon XF16-80mm f/4 and More

I always wondered when Fujifilm would update its complete X series guide. The last update was made back in September 2018 here.

Well, that finally happened!

Fujifilm updated it recently, and the updated guide includes all products released from October 2018 to now, including the brand new Fujinon XF16-80mm f/4.

You can access and download the complete Fujifilm X series guide here.

Look guys, if you really like it to be the first to know Fujifilm stuff, then you have to follow FujiRumors ;).

And here are a few ways to do it best:

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Dear Readers, Let’s See How Good Your Rumor Skills Are! VOTE NOW What the Next 3 Fujifilm Cameras will Be!

Let’s start the week with a little fun post. The serious stuff (rumors included) will follow soon enough, don’t worry about that. ;)

With the recent triple Fujifilm camera registrations, the comments section run hot about what these cameras could be.

So I thought to launch a little poll, to see how good the FujiRumors community is, when it comes to make speculations about future products.

Of course, if there is somebody, who actually knows something, feel free to contact me via email at fujirumor@gmail.com, PM on social media or even anonymously via rumor box (feel free to use a nickname in that case).

Now pick your top three future Fujifilm cameras down below.

One Tip: Fujifilm X-Pro3 is sure, so check that box.


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Free FPS (Fujifilm Professional Services) Coming to USA Soon, Report Says

According to Chris Dodkin*, a new FPS (Fujifilm Professional Services) is going to be launched soon in USA. Chris wrote here:

A new look FPS is supposed to be imminent in the US. Based on ownership of gear rather than paying a boat load of cash each year. Australia have already adopted the new model. I got my info direct from a Fujifilm employee.

Here is how it works:

To qualify, enthusiasts must have purchased at least one qualifying GFX camera body and GF lens; or two qualifying X Series bodies and three XF lenses in the last 24 months, and professional photographers must have purchased at least one qualifying camera body and lens in either X or GFX Series in the last 24 months.

So, by purchasing your gear under the above mentioned conditions, you get access to FPS at no additional costs.

It works like this also in Europe (not sure if in all countries). Check out for example Fujifilm UK here, where you can also read the full terms and conditions.

*Chris Dodkin also published the latest #BB Magazine, with lots of GFX work inside. Check it out here.

In Japan, Fujifilm Professional Service costs $45 a Year for GFX and X Cameras with Lots of Benefits

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