Alpa officially congratulated Fujifilm for the launch of the Fujifilm GFX100 and announced a new range of “thrilling products” for the Fujifilm GFX100.
ALPA will show first results soon during CineGear 2019 in Los Angeles on May 30.
This shows how seriously the Fujifilm GFX100 has to be taken also for video production.
Samuel shared with he community Fujifilm GFX100 RAW files linking to his google drive here. Damien is actively discussing his first impression of the Fujifilm GFX100 in this post here. Keith has shared the image and 100% crop of the parrot, you can see it in all its glory here.
Want more?
I have downloaded some 600 MP GFX100 TIFF files provided by digitalcameraworld (link below), and opened them in Capture One Pro 12. It’s only when you play around with the GFX100 files, that you understand why this beast is worth the money!
… we love the art of painting with light, the creative process of composing a story, of freezing fugitive moments and capturing ephemeral beauty in an image forever.
The camera specs are the last thing we care about.
Ok, now let’s get serious and have an exciting pixel peeping time! :D
Keep in mind that these are JPEGs from a pre-production Fujifilm GFX100. We can’t really make final conclusions, until we finally have standardized tests using RAW files developed in the same RAW converter.
Anyway, judging from the JPEGs, the Fujifilm GFX100 beats them all in terms of sharpness and high ISO performance, including the $30,000 (or is it $50,000) Phase One XF IQ3 100MP.
However, the there are some problems: for example, GFX100 sample was shot at f/8, whereas GFX50 at f/9. Let’s hope their RAW comparison will be more accurate.
Holy Crop! The Fujifilm GFX100 is pixel peeper paradise!
Down below I share some samples available at the imaging-resource comparometer here, where you can compare the Fujifilm GFX100 to any other camera in their database.
We love photography, because we can experience a childish joy of discovery, sometimes also by digging deep into the most technical aspects of it. :)
We have already posted a first Fujifilm manager interview earlier today here. It’s a good one, with lots of information, including the future of the Fujifilm X-H line. Make sure to read it!
Also B&H Photo, Adorama, Samys and Henrys are at Fujikina 2019, and they had the opportunity to go hands on with the Fujifilm GFX100 as well as have talks with Fujifilm managers.
I have put together the main points of the various interviews down below:
Fujifilm manager Justin explains why calling the Fujifilm GFX100 “large format” makes sense
Fujifilm has a medium format sensor roadmap, and GF lenses are future proof since they can resolve more than 100 megapixel
1/4 of a second at 200mm gave tack sharp images
shutter shock absorbers in the GFX100
going at 5fps continuous shooting with a medium format 102 MP camera is unheard of
Adorama says it feels like shooting a flagship DSLR as opposed to medium format
Adorama says they can’t believe it, and that Fujifilm is changing a lot
Fuji manager Justin says Fujifilm is trying to re-invent photography
Fujifilm needed 3 years to develop IBIS for the Fujiiflm GFX100. 1.5 years of development were shared with the Fujifilm X-H1 IBIS development, and another 1.5 years for the IBIS on the GFX100 only
One of the advantages of medium format, is that it is easier to design high-resolution lenses for it.
So if resolution, sharpness, cropping flexibility, big prints and having future proof files for upcoming high res screens is important to you, investing in GFX large format is the way to go.