Fujifilm X-H2S Snaps Gold Award at DPReview
The Fujifilm X-H2S snapped the Gold Award at DPReview. Here are their Pros and Cons from their X-H2S review
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The Fujifilm X-H2S snapped the Gold Award at DPReview. Here are their Pros and Cons from their X-H2S review
What we like
According to trusted information we have received, the Fujifilm X-H2 fastest electronic shutter will be 1/180,000 sec.
The current fastest electronic shutter available on Fujifilm cameras is 1/32,000 sec.
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Fujifilm has released a new firmware for the brand new Fujiiflm X-H2S.
You can find all the details and download link below.
We reported in the past that the Fujifilm X-H2 will have a new lower native ISO.
We can now say with certainty that the new native lowest ISO value will be ISO125.
I have spoken!
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It looks like they finally figured it out!
Fujifilm is, for the first time ever, going to make pixel shift work on X-Trans cameras.
In fact, we hear from trusted sources that the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 to be announced on September 8 at 2PM New York time will offer pixel shift multishot.
With pixel shift, the Fujifilm X-H2 will take 160 megapixel images.
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