Fujifilm X-E5: The Truth!

Fujifilm X-E5

The Fujifilm X-E line has always lived a life at the brink of extinction.

And it is understandable, due to the rather low sales of X-E1, X-E2 and X-E3.

But not with the Fujifilm X-E4 !

Yes, also the X-E4 failed, but for the reasons we explained here, that failure is sole responsibility of Fujifilm.

The Good News

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VOTE NOW: Which Fujifilm Gear Coming May 16 Are You Looking Forward Most

On May 16, at 1AM New York time (7AM Berlin time), Fujifilm will launch 4 new items:

I was wondering: out of all this new Fujifilm gear, which one are you looking forward the most? Vote the survey below.

Which Fujifilm gear are you looking forward the most?

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Fixed Lens Fujifilm GFX in 2025: A Brilliant Move or a Missed Chance for a GFX100R? – VOTE

So, we just reported that Fujifilm will launch a fixed lens Fujifilm GFX camera in 2025.

And while many might hugely rejoice at this news, others remained a bit sceptical, as you can see for example in the comments here.


Because we recently reported that Fujifilm is currently spending ZERO money and time into the development of the Fujifilm GFX100R. Which means that even if they’d start today to develop the GFX100R, we would probably not get it before 2027, since Fujifilm explained in the past they need about 2/3 years to develop a camera.

So what some now wonder is: wouldn’t it have been better to develop the GFX100R with interchangeable lenses rather than a fixed lens GFX camera?

Personally I still have to make up my mind about this one.

I mean, if I look at the X series, I simply could not imagine it without the X100 line. And why not, a fixed lens GFX version could also become an iconic and much loved line in the GFX system.

And always looking at the X series line, the X-E line sells much worse than the X100 line. If that would apply also to the GFX series, a fixed lens GFX camera would outsell the GFX100R.

So for now, from a mere business point of view, I believe Fujifilm does well to come out with a fixed lens GFX camera as soon as possible.

But at the same time, as an X-E lover (rangefinder with interchangeable lenses), I’d also love to see the GFX100R.

So my final vote?

I vote fixed lens GFX, just because I think from a business point of view it is the better choice for Fujifilm. But I hope this does not come at the expense of the GFX100R being delayed for too long or even worst, the GFX-R line being canceled.

What Should Have Priority in Your Option: a fixed lens GFX or a GFX100R

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Fujifilm GFX Fixed Lens Camera Coming in 2025 – Your Questions and My Riddles (and Your Help?)

We just told you that Fujifilm is currently developing a fixed lens Fujifilm GFX camera.

So obviously the questions now flood my Inbox. And I can’t say much more at this point, except for that it will be released in 2025!

Another question was if it will have the hybrid viewfinder. This is something I honestly have no idea about. I hope it has one, but I would not be surprised if, in order to contain costs, Fujifilm would just go with a digital EVF.

In terms of features, we can expect the Fujifilm X100VI to be superior, given it has a smaller sensor which comes with key advantages like a faster sensor readout and less heat generation.

One big question is the lens: at this point I have heard a lot of options, but I have narrowed it down to two options that I consider the most likely one. And if you allow me to speak frankly to you: at this point I am a bit confused since both options I’ve heard come from higher ranked sources (and a few anonymous sources who also give me different options). This is why I prefer to wait a bit, get some clarity, and once I am sure of what I say I will let you know.

If anyone out there can help me out, feel free to contact me. You can do it also 100% anonymously, here is how:

Talk to FujiRumors

Thanks to those who eventually decide to contact me and help me to bring clarity to my confused mind :).

Fujifilm to Release This All New Digital Camera in 2025

The Rumor

I long wondered why Fujifilm has not made this camera yet.

So much so that I made a dedicated article and video in which I requested Fujifilm to make three cameras, including the one we talk about today.

Well, it looks like one of three cameras on my wishlist will become reality.

According to our trusted sources (thanks), Fujifilm is working on…

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