Over at our Fujifilm X-Pro3 group, there were complaints about the Fujifilm X-Pro3 titanium top plate not sticking perfectly to the body.
You can see for example this post here.
Jonas Rask jumped in, explained the issue in this post, and offered a solution. It’s NOT an official Fujifilm solution. Just something Jonas saw workes, and thought to share.
As the Fujifilm X-Pro3 group is accessible only for facebook members, I will share Jonas text below. However, for the video tutorial by Jonas Rask, check out his post here.
I want to make a comment about the titanium top plate having a gap from the main body construction of the X-Pro3.
This is simply because I have some knowledge on how the camera is made in that regard.
1. The outer shell of titanium is put on top of the weathersealed camera, so any gaps or imperfections will not impede weather sealing as far as I’ve been told. I think that’s quite an important thing to address!
2. The gaps are happening around the small bezelled lens mount ring. As a matter of fact this ring is what is designed to keep the soft titanium in place on the front. The problem is that it seems like the top plate on some cameras isn’t pressed hard enough to latch on to that ring-bezel during final stages of assembly. So what users could easily do is press the titanium down just where the ring is. They will hear a small click, and the Titanium will then be in place.
It’s quite a simple fix. But mind you, this is not an official announcement from Fujifilm. So wether or not you want to do it, is up to you.
But it’s goddamn annoying that it occurs in the first place.
PS: I have seen some images where people put things underneath the gap to show it off in forums. They just made this fix completely impossible for themselves by actually bending the titanium.
It worked for those, who tried it out in the group. If you experience the same issue, try it out, too.
In any case, if it turns out not fixable with Jonas Rask way, there will a recall by Fujifilm. But so far our group members seem to be successful.
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press firmly, you’ll here the click, and the top plate sticks on the body firmly. It was not firmly enough pressed during manufacturing