Fujifilm Timeline
Almost 1 year ago, I published a release timeline of Fujifilm cameras, and, based on that timeline, I made guesses on when a successor could come.
Turns out that, so far, our timeline was pretty accurate. In fact, based on Fuji’s release schedule, we predicted:
- Prediction: X-T30 in February 2019 – Reality: January 2019 – Accuracy: 1 month off
- Prediction: X-Pro3 in January 202o – Reality: around October 2019 – Accuracy: about 3 months off
Now I thought it’s time to update our timeline, because:
- some cameras have already been announced (X-T30) and others will be announced soon (X-Pro3)
- this time we include cameras not listed last time (X-T200 and X-A6)
Down below you find the updated release timeline for:
The X-T4/X-H2 Grain of Salt Corner
Keep in mind that this camera replacement timeline is NOT based ON RUMORS, but on past camera release schedule of Fujifilm.
Hence, take it with a grain of salt, especially when it comes to Fujifilm X-H2 and Fujifilm X-T4 release. The timing between X-H1 and X-T3 has proven to be very damaging for X-H1 sales, so there might be some changes here.
In fact, according to our sources, the Fujifilm X-H2 might not even come in 2020! But I want to wait for more details and confirmations, before changing the below timeline.
Speaking of X-H2 and X-T4, the FujiRumors community has voted on various Fujifilm X-H2 and X-T4 release timing options. Check out the poll results here (I voted for the option currently on the 3rd position).
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