Which 5th Generation Sensor do You Want in the Fujifilm X-T5, X-Pro4, X-E5, X-S20, X-T40, X80, X200?

When I re-watched the X Summit, I was confused by the statement the Japanese Fujifilm manager made in regards to the 5th generation 26MP stacked and 40MP non-stacked sensor.

His statement:

there is no other camera platform more suitable to have them both than the ‘X-H” Series

I wondered what he meant by that, and I concluded it could be either one of the 2 options mentioned below:

  1. only the X-H line will offer both sensor options
  2. since the X-H line is the most suitable, it will be the first to feature both sensor options. Other less suitable lines might get both options too, but only later on as the priority is the X-H line
  3. NEW ENTRY: some FR-reader said this is just marketing blah blah blah aimed to sell as many X-H cameras as possible and then both sensors will find its way in most camera lines anyway

I’ve asked you guys in a survey what you think the manager meant, and here is the result of the survey.

SPECULATION (NOT RUMOR): In my eyes, it would make sense to put both sensor options in at least all of Fuji’s higher end models, as ordering the same Sony sensor in larger numbers, helps to push down the cost for each sensor.

But what Fujifilm will decide to do is unknown at this point. And maybe it is even unknown to Fujifilm itself.

And yet…

let’s assume for a moment that the interpretation the majority of you guys gave is correct. So let’s assume that only the X-H line will get both sensor options.

This would mean that in regards to all other lines, Fujifilm would have to make a decision on which sensor to pick for each camera.

And if that would be the case, I can already see lots of head scratching at the Fujifilm HQ trying to figure out which sensor is best for which line.

If that’s really the case, then I thought that the generous FujiRumors community will gladly invest a bit of its time to give Fujifilm its opinion on this matter by commenting on this article and by voting the surveys down below.


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Fujifilm Explains Camera Line Distinction (CLASSIC Beats PSAM) and Likely Told us Which Lines Will Survive (and Which Ones Not)

Fujifilm Camera Lines Explained

The Fujifilm X-T line was never supposed to be a flagship camera.

Let me explain why.

When Fujifilm launched the Fujifilm X-H1, they called it their flagship camera, giving it top of the line features that no other camera had at that time (like IBIS) and in part still no other camera, except for X-Pro3, has (like the ultra-tough body). The Fujifilm X-T2 was positioned under the X-H1.

However, since it took Fujifilm so long to release the Fujifilm X-H1 successor, the Fujifilm X-T line had to take over the “flagship-role” for a couple of years.

But now, with the the release of the Fujifilm X-H2S and the pre-announced Fujifilm X-H2, everything is going back to normal so to say.

X-H is the flagship, and X-T is the mid-range.

And that’s not me saying it, but Fuji Guy Billy, who went through the “what is what” in the Fujifilm camera lineup with Bigheaedtaco, who then shared Billy’s list with us in the video below (starts 9:59).

For your convenience, here is the list.

  • X-H series:
    Refinement: Flagship Utility
    Interface: Hybrid
  • X-Pro series:
    Refinement: Luxury
    Interface: classic rangefinder
  • X-T* series:
    Refinement: mid-level
    Interface: classic SLR
  • X-S series:
    Refinement: Base Level
    Interface: DSLR design with PSAM interface
  • X-T** series:
    Refinement: Base Level
    Interface: classic SLR design with classic interface
  • X-E series
    Refinement: Base Level
    Interface: Rangefinder design with classic interface

Who REMAINS and who is OUT

  • I agree with Bigheadtaco when he speculates that all those camera lines mentioned in the list will see a successor at some point. Otherwise I believe Fuji Guy Billy would not have mentioned them
  • if correct, this means that also the X-E line will continue, hence there is hope for a Fujifilm X-E5
  • the true entry level line seems to be dead as it is not mentioned on the list. We already speculated about this back in 2020 when the X-T*** had been discontinued after only 9 months
  • this means little hope for Fujifilm X-A8, Fujifilm X-T300, X-A30
  • the “new” entry level (or base line) is considered the X-T** and X-S line


  • there will be 3 lines with a more classic interface, and 2 lines with PSAM dials
  • Non-PSAM dial camera lines will remain the majority in the Fuji lineup (4 non PSAM lines vs 2 PSAM lines)
  • Fujifilm has not lost its soul! Classic control lovers like me will have plenty of cameras to pick from also in the future

By getting rid of a few lines and separating more clearly the remaining ones, Fujifilm has addressed one of the major concerns that was confusing Fujifilm X shooters: too many camera lines positioned too close to each other without sufficient differentiation.

In short we could say that every line will have a higher end and a lower end version

  • HIGH: X-H line – LOW: X-S line
  • HIGH: X-T* line – LOW: X-T** line
  • HIGH: X-Pro line – LOW: X-E* line

P.S.: It was just so much more fun when Fujifilm used other terms to identify their camera lines, like when they said the X-T** line for hipsters :).

Fujifilm X-H2 HR 40MP will have Exactly Same Body of Fujifilm X-H2S

There is a question I get very often these days via email but also in the comments here on FujiRumors. Does the X-H2 HR have the same body of the X-H2S HS?

Well, in regards to the Fujifilm X-H2 HR body, Fujifilm will do what in my opinion makes most sense (for R&D reasons): they will use exactly the same body of the Fujifilm X-H2S and just put a different sensor inside.

I know some will be disappointed that also the Fujifilm X-H2 will have a PSAM dial, but here are two positive aspects of that:

Ah, speaking of rumors… do not think we are done yet.

In fact, I am working on so many rumor fronts right now. One of them of course being the Fujifilm X-H2 40MP, but the eye of FujiRumors is also watching beyond that already. ;)

10 Things You Might Have Missed: Fujifilm X-H2 40MP X-Trans, September X Summit, Overheating Drama Ends, Crazy X-H2S Video Dynamic Range and More

What an event! What a day! And how much stuff to digest!

Now, the main specs of this camera are known. But going through the various video coverage, I’d like to highlight a few things that given the massive amount of information some might have missed.

All you read below can be found in the videos of our live blog coverage.

Fujifilm X-H2 40 MP is X-Trans

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Fujifilm X-H2S vs X-T4 & Co and New XF Lenses Size Comparisons

Camerasize has uploaded the latest and greatest Fujifilm gear on their database.

Here are a couple of comparisons with other X series cameras and lenses.

Of course feel free to make your own comparisons at camerasize.