Fujifilm X-H2: Getting 8K for Less than $2,500 and Price Comparison with Sony A1 and Canon R5

Regarding the Fujifilm X-H2, we already told exclusively to FujiRumors readers that:

Now, I have read some comments saying that less than $2,500 is still to high for an APS-C camera.

So let’s talk about it and compare it to how much you pay to get other 8K mirrorless cameras on the market today.

With a rumored Fujifilm X-H2 price of less than $2,500, the X-H2 would end up costing about half the price of the Canon EOS R5 or even about 1/3 of the Sony A1 price.

Now, I once wrote an article giving you guys 7 reasons why full frame can’t kill APS-C, and price is one of the reasons.

In fact, if the rumored price is accurate (and I have no reasons to doubt that) the Fujifilm X-H2 will once again prove my point that full frame can only match the price of APS-C cameras by sacrificing features and specs, as we explained making some real life examples here.

I guess that’s also why DPReview, Petapixel & CO consider APS-C is the sweet spot.

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LOVING X-TRANS: Landslide Victory for Fujifilm X-H2 with X-Trans V vs Bayer in Survey

Recently we reported that the Fujifilm X-E4 will be the last X series camera featuring an X-Trans IV sensor, and that the next camera to come will be the Fujifilm X-H2 in 2022.

However, at this point in time we can’t say if the Fujifilm X-H2 will feature an X-Trans sensor or an Bayer sensor.

To be honest, I have received an anonymous tip about it (thanks a lot!!!), but as usual here on FujiRumors we try to give it a quick double check first before sharing.

Until then, here are a few thoughts.

Personally I love the X-Trans sensor for its better performance at high ISO (better looking grain, less color noise), the sharpness boost it delivers and more.

But I am also not a blind fanboy and I am well aware that also the Bayer sensor has its significant strengths, such as 20 to 30%a lower power consumption which leads to less heat generation, meaning you can push the camera more in terms of recording times for example. Also with Bayer sensors, stuff like digital image stabilization and pixel shift is easier to achieve. And last but not least, Bayer is more affordable!

I have elaborated in depth the Pros and Cons of Bayer and X-Trans in this article.

So, while I am in the group of people, who hopes the Fujifilm X-H2 will get an X-Trans sensor, I would totally understand if Fujifilm would go Bayer instead.

The thing is this: reading the comments, I always thought I am in the minority when it comes to the X-Trans vs Bayer debate, meaning I read more comments of people who want to get rid of X-Trans than comments of those, who want to keep it.

But a recently survey I’ve launched here, shows it is completely the opposite.

Of the Fujifilm X shooters reading FujiRumors

  • 51% want a Fujifilm X-H2 with X-Trans
  • 24% want a Fujifilm X-H2 with Bayer

The rest of the readers are either fine with both options (18%) or have not yet formed a final opinion on this (7%).

That’s a landslide victory for Fujifilm X-Trans!

And while I am with you guys on this one, if Fujifilm decided to go Bayer, it would probably not be the biggest of all drama, if they were able to take the most out of the advantages it offers, not in terms of image quality, were X-Trans is superior, but in terms of implementing new features such as digital image stabilization, pixel shift and more.

Finding out which sensor it will be, is my top priority (thanks again for the anonymous tip at this point).

The answer, my friends, will be shared hopefully sooner rather than later here on FujiRumors.

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Fujifilm X-H2 with 8K to Cost Less than Panasonic GH6 with 6K

I am not a micro four thirds hater.

On the contrary!

In my journey on the search to the perfect mirrorless system, I happened to shoot also Panasonic. I didn’t love it as much as Olympus (my first mirrorless love), but it was anyway a very nice and capable system.

And in fact, the whole MFT system is more capable than many might think. It is incredibly compact, it often has top notch AI features (the smaller the sensor makes AI easier), quite frankly it also has a more than decent image quality, a 4:3 aspect ratio that I personally really like and more Pros which we won’t touch on here.

I genuinely suffered to see Olympus go and from my heart I hoped that Panasonic will be able to keep the MFT system alive and flourishing.

This is why I was intrigued by the development announcement of the Panasonic GH6, hoping it would be a real beast and guarantee some success for the MFT system.

Now, FujiRumors is not the place to discuss the Panasonic GH6 specs (this is the place), but I have to mention two details announced by Panasonic about the upcoming GH6

  • Panasonic GH6 will shoot 6K
  • Panasonic GH6 will be priced around $2,500

After the GH6 pre-announcement, I had a talk with sources, and you bet we talked also about the Fujifilm X-H2.

They told me that the Fujifilm X-H2 will cost less than the Panasonic GH6, hence less than $2,500.

And as we already told you in the past, the Fujifilm X-H2 is supposed to be able to shoot also 8K DCI/UHD.

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Fujifilm Product Timeline 2021/2022: About X-H2, GFX50SII, XF150-600 and More (And What Will NOT Come)

FUJIFILM 2021/2022

Time to update our previous X and GFX gear timeline, which was not only limited to 2021, but lacked of some gear we rumored in the following months.

Also, I’ll include a list of products that will not come as the fake rumors keep spreading and I notice a tendency in forums to believe just everything that is written or talked about somewhere, may it be a monochrome camera, and X-T40 with IBIS coming very soon, the X-H2 coming 2021 and totally random stuff like that.

But luckily there is a 100% efficient anti-fake-rumors-vaccine called FujiRumors, so check out the list down below to know what Fujifilm really plans and when it will come.

And it won’t end here.

In fact, I have a skype call scheduled with the Japanese source in very near future. After the last call a few weeks ago, we dropped a couple of rumor-bombs (X-H2 details, the end of X-Trans IV, no more X cameras in 2021, the new GF zoom to come second half 2021 and more stuff I am not allowed to share just yet).

I expect that also our next call will be very interesting.

In case you’d like to know what it shared with us, feel free to follow FujiRumors and get updates via Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

But until then, here is the most updated list of gear to come (and gear that won’t come).

X Series Gear

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Fujifilm X-H2 with X-Trans or Not X-Trans, That is The Question! VOTE NOW if You Prefer X-Trans or Bayer for X-H2

Maybe it’s my bad English, maybe it’s the hurry with which some readers read the articles, maybe it’s a bit of both, but somehow over the last few days the idea spread over the web, that FujiRumors claimed that the Fujifilm X-E4 would be the last camera to feature an X-Trans sensor.

Well, that’s not really what I said (or wanted to say).

What I said is that the Fujifilm X-E4 will be the last X-Trans IV camera and that Fujifilm’s next camera, the Fujifilm X-H2, will have a new sensor. No more and no less than that.

Will it still be X-Trans? Or Bayer? Or anything else?

Well guys, keep trust that FujiRumors will let you know the answer at some point ;).

But until then, I’d love to hear from you guys, which one you consider better overall, Bayer or X-Trans.

If you need something to make up your mind about this very Fuji-centric dilemma, feel free to check out the article I wrote in 2018, where I explain the Pros and Cons of sticking with X-Trans or switching to Bayer.

Feel free to vote the survey down below.

I hope the Fujifilm X-H2 will have

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