Fujifilm Manager Toshihisa Iida: “We Open X Mount to Third Parties. X-H Line Continues. No GFX Fixed Lens Camera & More”
Fujifilm manager Toshihisa Iida gave an interview to DPReview.
Here is what he says:
Fujifilm manager Toshihisa Iida gave an interview to DPReview.
Here is what he says:
Mapcamera interviewed one of Japanese top managers Mr. Takashi Ueno. They talk about Fujifilm X-T4.
The interview is quite long and in Japanese, so for your convenience I have summed it up all in English down below.
And just in case it was needed, he confirms that there will be a Fujifilm X-H2, as FujiRumors always told you and never doubted for a second, even when the whole universe was saying differently.
In fact, I tell you this: at no point in time, Fujifilm ever considered stopping the X-H line. The line they canceled is another one, and we told you here.
The only thing: the Fujifilm X-H2 is still very far away.
Trust me guys… I know what I talk about, and if you want to be the first to know and be guided accurately through the Fujifilm world, all you need to do is to follow FujiRumors.
In fact, I am working on further explosive rumors. Some will totally surprise you, others will probably disappoint you. When time has come, when things are double checked, when green light is given, you will get it all!
And now… the interview.
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DPReview published a list of 5 reason, why Fujifilm won’t make a full frame X100 camera.
And what about a medium format X100 then? DPR writes:
So might Fujifilm build a medium-format X100? There’s an argument to be made that it makes sense in a way that full-frame just doesn’t. Medium format would offer an increase in potential image quality over full-frame (albeit relatively modest – about 2/3EV), a significant leap in image quality over APS-C, it’s a major part of Fujifilm’s brand identity, and the larger format is a key differentiator for Fujifilm compared to competitive manufacturers.
Well, I won’t enter the argument about the “relatively modest” advantage of the Fujifilm GFX over full frame. This is a thesis DPR started pushing back in 2017, and FujiRumors comprehensively answered it in the article “DPReview Recommends 3 Full Frame Cameras Combined over 1 Fujifilm GFX“. Also, in the meantime something called Fujifilm GFX100 hit the market, with the newest sensor technology.
For the rest, the whole 5 reason list makes sense. Check out the full in-depth article at dpreview.
And one could also add one more ;)
Popular photography industry insiders, claimed that APS-C is the actual sensor size sweet spot. Keep in mind, they said “sweet spot“, not “automatically the best tool for everybody“.
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So I did it. I placed my pre-order for the Fujifilm X-T4.
I hope it will come in time for the wedding I will be shooting.
So why did a rangefinder lover like me buy a SLR-styled camera with selfie flippy screen? And why not wait for Fujifilm X-H2? Here are 5 reasons:
So yes, I am in. I pre-ordered the Fujifilm X-T4. Now the long waiting begins, just like all of you guys, as I have absolutely no privileged contacts with Fujifilm.
Wait… you want to know which color? Well, make your guess in the comments. I will let you know later on ;).