DPRTV and Ted Forbes 2023 Predictions: Fujifilm X-Pro4 and Dedicated Video Camera

DPRTV teamed up with Ted Forbes to predict the future of the Fujifilm system for 2023.

They predict two cameras:

  • Fujifilm X-Pro4 with 40MP
  • dedicated video camera

I won’t make any comment on anything at the moment, because as you can imagine, I am looking deep into 2023 already, and when the time has come and all the checks are done, I will drop 100% accurate rumors for you.

So for now take their predictions as what they are: fun speculations and wishes.

The FujiRumors community has a clear idea on what they want for 2023.

For the X series the most wished camera is indeed the Fujifilm X-Pro4 followed by the Fujifilm X100VI (or X100Vs or X200 or however Fujifilm is going to call the Fujifilm X100V successor).

For the GFX series, the top wish could be summed up with one word: speed!

List of Fujifilm Related Gear launched in 2022