Fringer EF-FX Pro II Coming before May 11

Fringer EF-FX Pro II

Fringer just released the Fringer EF-FX Pro II autofocus smart adapter for pre-order.

Main improvements of the 2nd generation of EF-FX Pro include

  • Redesigned aperture ring for more convenient operation
  • New MCU (more powerful, more resources for firmware update)
  • Better light absorbing design

The price is $299 + $25 (worldwide expedited shipping included. tax/duty not included). Fringer will begin to ship it before May 11.

The functions and performance of gen1 and gen2 are the same.

So far only the Fringer EF-FX Pro II is released. The non-Pro version is still available only in its first generation. In future, the functional firmware update for gen1 and gen2 will be released at the same time as long as the resources of gen1 are enough to support that.

For more details about the Fringer EF-FX Pro II check out Fringer website here.

The Fringer EF-FX Pro II is open for pre-order now at Fringer store.

You can read customer reviews for the Fringer EF-FX Pro version 1 at AmazonUS here and Amazon US here.

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Fujikina 2019 Tokyo, May 25/26: Fujifilm GFX 100 Launch Party and More?

Fujikina 2019

Fujifilm announced the Fujikina 2019 event in Tokyo on May 25/26.

In the Fujifilm world, “Fujikina” means “big launch event“, and in this case it will be the official launch party for the Fujifilm GFX100, which will be announced on May 23.

What else could come?

Besides the release of the silver Fujinon XF16mmf2.8, I have not heard any more details about the event.

The Fujifilm X-Pro3 is sure for 2019, but no source has so far told me, that it will come in May (but never say never).

If you are waiting for the Fujinon XF 16-80mm f4 and GF50mm f/3.5, Fujifilm said they will be released in fall.

Whatever comes, you only have to do one thing: follow FujiRumors to know everything as fast as possible ;).

GFX · X fan meeting “FUJIKINA” is again.

This time, Tokyo’s event space “CROSS DOCK HARUMI” in Harumi will be held, and an event “FUJIKINA 2019 Tokyo” will be held to thoroughly enjoy the GFX X series.
In this event, you can experience the latest models of GFX and X series, talk shows and studio demonstrations by top photographers and creators from inside and outside Japan, gallery exhibition, free quick maintenance service (by reservation only) and GFX and X series. We offer various contents such as free rental service (by reservation only).

In addition, “FUJIKINA 2019 Tokyo” is planning to make a public program to create promotional videos and photos of overseas artists using the GFX / X series as a new program. Don’t miss the chance to see and experience the top professional production sites.

At the Fujikina 2019 there will be touch & try, quick maintenance service, loan Program, photowalks, live talk & studio demos and public filming. You can check out the full program at the dedicated fujikina 2019 page.

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Silver Fujifilm Fujinon XF 16mm f/2.8 R WR to be Released May 23 along with Fujifilm GFX100 Announcement

Fujifilm announced they will release the silver Fujinon XF 16mm f/2.8 R WR lens on May 23.

Adorama instead still says that “Fujifilm will start shipping the XF16mmF2.8 on 05/31/2019“.

Here on FujiRumors we also exclusively broke the rumor for you guys, that the Fujifilm GFX100 will be announced on May 23. Now go out, spread the word… and quote the source ;).


The Mirrorless Endgame Begins: Fujifilm GFX 100 Announcement on May 23

Fujifilm GFX 100

According to our trusted sources, the Fujifilm GFX100 will be announced on May 23.

I am so excited to finally see this beast unveiled, that I created a fan-made Fujifilm GFX100 announcement trailer on my youtube channel.

Don’t take the trailer too seriously, though. Of course the Fujifilm GFX100 won’t destroy half of the camera universe. It’s just I am super-pumped to see Avengers Endgame, too, and I guess my brain just merged my excitements into the trailer you see above.

And yet, the mirrorless endgame really begins. Camera companies try to find a way to survive in a declining market, but it’s clear that there is no space for all to flourish.

Fujifilm tries to survive by avoiding the full frame mud fight and by dropping medium format beasts and agile hybrid APS-C cameras to the market.

If that will work out or not, only time will tell.

All I know is that I will be here, on May 23, to give you the most epic live blogging ever seen on FujiRumors.

Stick around guys, because this is just the beginning of a long rumor marathon ;).

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Fujifilm X-H2, X-T4 and X-Pro3 with Samsung Pixel Merge Technology for Variable Megapixel Sensor

Fujifilm & Samsung

Back in 2018 Samsung and Fujifilm officially announced the development of a new CMOS image sensor technology for enhanced light sensitivity and color fidelity, called ISOCELL+ sensor (full report here).

This sensor structure also allows for the revolutionary “pixel merge technology“, already used in the Samsung Galaxy A7

This is how it works on the Samsung Galaxy A7: the 24 megapixel sensor can, for better low light image quality, combine 4 pixels into 1 pixel and end up with 6 MP files (via

The hot rumor today is:

Samsung will provide Fujifilm with APS-C and Medium Format pixel merge technology sensors.

The rumor is of a 36 megapixel APS-C sensor, that could be switched to 9, 18 or 27 megapixel according to your needs. You will also be able to switch between Bayer and X-Trans layout. Last but not least, the pixels will also be able to flip by 180° into black & white mode.

The source told me, this technology will be ready for the Fujifilm X-H2, Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X-Pro3, followed by a 150 megapixel medium format Fujfilm GFX 150.

This “universal all-in-one” sensor is Fujifilm’s answer to customers’ often impossible desires: one sensor, to satisfy them all!

But Fujifilm’s mission to deliver what we really desire and need does not stop here!

According to our source, the next step is the use of Vibranium from Wakanda for lens development, which should allow for a fully optically corrected XF 8-600mm f/0.85 pancake lens for less than $500.

It looks like our constant complaints finally pushed Fujifilm to re-invent the laws of physics.

This digital photography revolution starts today, with this rumor, on this special, very special day, that I will mark in my calendar… and you should do the same :).

stay tuned on FujiRuomors… not only April 1 ;)

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