Fujifilm GFX100 II Engineers and The Truth About the “New” Sensor and “Up to Twice” Readout Speed

Fujifilm GFX100II

Over the past few weeks, many have contacted me asking why I don’t talk about the reports that claim:

  • the Fujifilm GFX100 II sensor is not new
  • the Fujifilm GFX100 II does not read out at twice the speed and faster readout speed is achieved only with software tricks, meaning dropping down at 12 bit when in 8 fps mode

The answer is simple:

When Fujifilm published their first Fujifilm GFX100II development story episodes, they said they would talk about the GFX100II sensor in future episodes.

This is why I decided to wait, hear Fujifilm’s position, and then write an article that is as comprehensive and complete as possible.

And I am happy I waited, because in the 5th X Lab episode dedicated to the GFX100II, we get some helpful insights in the inner workings of the sensor (full episode with summary below)..

But before we dive into it, let me express my admiration for Jim Kasson’s brilliant work in analyzing the inner workings of the GFX100II and to Petapixel for bringing his findings to the attention of the larger public.

I decided to wait for more details coming from Fujifilm before reporting about it, but maybe they would not have disclosed those in such detail, if Jim would not have done his great work, and Petapixel made a huge buzz out of it.

The Truth in a Nutshell

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Fujifilm GFX100 II Owners Manual Available

Fujifilm GFX100 II Owners Manual

The Fujifilm GFX100 II owner’s manual is now available in html here and PDF here.