Fujifilm GFX100II vs GFX100S vs GFX100 vs Hasselblad X2D vs Sony A7rV vs Canon R5 vs Nikon Z8 Specs Comparison

BHphoto has now added all the technical data of the Fujifilm GFX100 II to their database.

This means you can now use the B&H comparison tool to make the comparison you desire. I’ve done the following ones for you:

If you haven’t already check out our full Fujifilm X Summit coverage and GFX100II live blog. Also a new G mount roadmap has been released.

WATCH Fujifilm X Summit NOW: Fujifilm GFX100 II, GF55mmF1.5, GF Tilt Shift and MORE – LIVE on FujiRumors

Fujifilm X Summit – LIVE COVERAGE
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Fujifilm X Summit – The Full Coverage Live!

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LEAKED: Fujifilm GFX100 II and GF Lenses Shipping Dates

A new source (thanks a lot) has informed us about the shipping dates for the upcoming Fujifilm GFX gear.

Get Yours

Fujifilm GFX100 II Teaser Video Online (not Fujifilm GFX100SII) – Full Frame’s Biggest Threat is Coming Tomorrow

Trust me.

The Fujifilm GFX100 II will blow your mind.

We have shown how it destroyed the Hasselblad X2D by the specs and it will be the biggest temptation ever launched for Full Frame users to ditch their smaller sensor and step up to something about 70% larger and fuller than full frame.

And today Fujifilm gives us a first glimpse into the Fujifilm GFX100 II with the video you can see above (screenshots below). We notice:

  • 2 FN buttons on the fron of the camera
  • PSAM dial with 6 Custom modes
  • manual MCS switch still there
  • three buttons right behind the shutter
  • movie/stills switch

NOTE: I hear some claim this camera is called Fujifilm GFX100SII. But that’s FAKE. This is not the Fujifilm GFX100S II, but the Fujifilm GFX100II.

Get Yours (soon)

Hasselblad X2D vs Fujifilm GFX100 II vs GFX100S vs GFX100 – The Complete Specs Comparison

We already shared the specs comparison between the GFX100II, GFX100S and GFX100.

I initially also included the Hasselblad X2D in that comparison, but I realised that the X2D was just out of context in that comprehensive list.

The list had to be adjusted to best make sense.

For example, the GFX only comparison did not include the voice “joystick” or “eye autofocus” as all of the GFX cameras have it. But when comparing it to the Hasselblad X2D, the voice “joystick” and “eye AF” were important, since the X2D does not offer it and these are major things to consider when comparing these cameras.

That’s why I share the X2D comparison separately in this post.

It also helps to split up the discussion better and make this one a more X2D vs GFX centric discussion.

Also coming September 12: