Does current IBIS fit in Fujifilm X-T4? And GFX100 IBIS in GFX50R / 50S

Fujifilm IBIS
Back in March 2018, I have used Fujifilm technical X-H1 IBIS scetches and put them into the Fujfiilm X-T2. See the article here.
The result was the image you see above.
It’s my pleasure to see that over one year later, the topic is coming up again (better late than never), so I am glad to share it again with you.
The Fujfilm X-T4, if it keeps the size of the X-T3 and X-T2, will have a hard time to fit IBIS into its body. But Fujifilm has repeated many times, that they are working to make IBIS smaller.
And since we talk IBIS…
I had a personal curiosity to see how the Fujifilm GFX100 IBIS unit fits in the Fujifilm GFX 50S and Fujifilm GFX 50R.
So I took the IBIS unit displayed at the Fujifilm GFX100 live stream event, and mounted it on the Fujifilm GFX50R/S.
As you can see below, the IBIS unit is too big for both cameras, but not by a large margin. So there is hope that, with further development, the next generation IBIS will be small enough to make it fit also in the GFX R and GFX S line of cameras.