Fujifilm X Summit – Which Product Are YOU Looking Forward the Most?

So, the Fujifilm X Summit will take place soon, on September 2 at 9AM New York time.

FujiRumors has already leaked a list of gear to be announced, and, unless there are surprises, that should be it.

Out of curiosity I wanted to ask which product you are looking forward the most.

To know all the rumors about each of the products listed below, make sure to check out our rumor section.

Fujifilm X Summit 2021: Which Product Are YOU Looking Forward the Most?

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TAKE NOTE: September 2 Schedule – 9AM EST X Summit Live Stream, 10AM Announcement Live Blog with Fuji Guys After Launch Party

Fuji Guys After Event at 10:15 AM EST will be covered LIVE on FujiRumors in the Live Blog Starting at 10AM
Fuji Guys After Event at 10:15 AM EST will be covered LIVE on FujiRumors in the Live Blog Starting at 10AM

September 2 – A Party Schedule

Take your calender and take notes, as here is your schedule for September 2.

First and foremost: open fujirumors.com and just refresh it. Everything that happens will be covered, collected, summarized and filtered for you guys here.

And now to the schedule:

  • 9 AM New York Time: Fujifilm X Summit Live Stream
  • 10 AM New York Time: Announcement Live Blog with First Look Reviews, Samples, News Coverage
  • 10:15 AM New York Time: Fuji Guys X Summit After Event (the video will be included in the FujiRumors Live Blog Coverage starting at 10 AM)
  • 10AM to 1PM: Non Stop Live Coverage in the Live Blog
  • 1PM to 1:30 PM: I need to bring out my almost 17 years old dog, so there will be 30 minutes break :)
  • 1:30PM until whatever it takes: the live blogging continues until I crash

So take note, add it to the calendar, and see you soon for a wonderful Fujifilm day on September 2 here on FujiRumors.

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Fujifilm X Summit Prime 2021 on September 2 at 9AM New York Time Officially Announced

The long rumored Fujifilm X Summit has now been officially announced by Fujifilm.

It will take place at 1PM (GMT). That means

  • 9AM New York Time
  • 3PM Berlin Time

Thanks to FujiRumors you should have a pretty clear idea on what is coming.

Check out our X and GFX rumor section for all the latest details and updates.

Initial Specs Comparison: Fujifilm GFX50SII vs GFX100S vs GFX50S

Given the several rumors we have already shared about the upcoming Fujifilm GFX50SII, I thought we can share an initial specs comparison with the Fujifilm GFX100S and the original Fujifilm GFX50S.

Totally missing so far are the video specs, but I somehow have the feeling that those of you interested in the Fujifilm GFX50SII, don’t really have “video features” as one of your priorities.

Also, down below the list of products that (so far) we expect to be announced on September 2:

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Fujifilm GFX100S with Tamron 150-600 using Fringer EF-GFX Smart Autofocus Adapter [VIDEO]

As we reported already, Fringer will officially release the Fringer EF-GFX smart autofocus adapter in October.

Now Fringer shared a video, showing the performance of the Tamron 150-600mm f/5-6.3 VC G2 on the Fujifilm GFX100S.

Fringer writes:

A very good super telephoto lens for GFX cameras. It fully cover the 44x33mm sensor in all focal range. We also demo its AF performance on Fringer adapter.

Key Features:

  • Electronic aperture control: built-in elecgronic aperture ring similar to native G mount lenses
  • Phase Detection AF Support (AF-S. AF-C, Eye-AF, etc. in GFX100 and GFX100S only). Focus Points fully cover the sensor. DSLR like AF experiences.
  • Supports both lens IS and IBIS (not at the same time). Users may choose between them
  • Supports in-camera lateral chromatic aberration correction

GFX deals:

The GFX Community

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