The July 7 Fujifilm Lens Roadmap according to FujiRumors
_No Risk, No Fun
As you know, here on FujiRumors I’m not afraid of sharing long-term rumors, even though they are a “risk” for me to share. Fuji just changes plans so often, that what was a correct rumor at the time of sharing, can sometimes be wrong later on.
I could make a dozen of examples, but let’s just pick out one: Fuji X-Pro1s! It was spot on at the time of sharing in 2013, it’s just Fuji changed plans later on (I told you about it in 2014). The rumor has been confirmed by Fujifilm itself in 2016, by showing to the world an X-Pro1s protoype here.
So you see, long term rumors are always a risk for me. And I know it’s the main reason I’ll never be 100% right.
The Roadmap Is Coming… with 3 of the 7 rumored lenses
I’ve worked on it on the last few days, since I wanted to be as sure as possible, and now I just got the final confirmation: the new roadmap (to be released July 7 along with the X-T2), will include only a few of the rumored lenses.
But Note: all the rumors about all the lenses I’ve shared were right at the time of sharing, with just one doubt: the 8mm rumor (more about it later).
Here are the 7 rumored lenses:
From the list above, only the following 3 will be included in the upcoming lens roadmap
Reminder: the 120 Macro (still in the official roadmap) has been cancelled (as rumored first here then here)!
Lenses (still) not included in the upcoming July 7 roadmap
- 200mm(F2)
- 8-16mmF2.8
- 33mmF1.0
- 8mmF2
Keep in mind: these lenses are on Fuji’s plans (except the 8mm probably, more about it later).
However, all these lenses are so far away from release, that Fuji prefers not to share them in the roadmap for now. They want to avoid another mistake, like the one of the 120mm Macro (still officially in roadmap), that, according to my sources, will be canceled and become the 80mm Macro lens.
Regarding the 33mmF1.0, this lens was 100% part of the talks and developments of Fujifilm. But, as I told you here, the unexpected success of the small and cheap 35mmF2 (Fuji is making massive money with that one) has caused a sudden lens strategy change at Fujifilm: cheap, small and weather resistant instead of big, heavy and expensive.
And what about the 8mm? Well, the source, who shared it, has proven to be reliable (it’s the source, who told us a FW will make the X-T1 video button a FN button). But I think that maybe it mistake the 8mm with the 8-16 or Fujifilm, as so often, changed plans on such a lens.
I know, when on July 7 the lens roadmap shows only 3 of the 7 rumored lenses, there will be a massive shitstorm on me. So I’ll prepare my jacket and helmet… ;)
But if you are not a FR hater or troll, I think you just got the point of this post and how rumors work: a lens that is not on the roadmap, is not necessarily a lens that isn’t on Fuji’s plans. And a lens that is in the roadmap, isn’t necessarily a lens Fuji will really make at the end (you’ll miss the 120mm in the next roadmap).
stay tuned…
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