But as you know, on FujiRumors we will not make up a single rumor just to make traffic, nor share anonymous rumors we receive in which I don’t trust.
We prefer to share less rumors, generate less traffic, make less money, and value your time with less, but accurate rumors.
But until more rumors drop, I thought we could also make one single article where we talk about the current state of the rumors and also make speculation on what could or we would like to come in 2024.
DPReview met up with Yuji Igarashi, Professional Imaging Group Manager, and Makoto Oishi, Head of Product Planning in Stockholm for the launch of the Fujifilm GFX100 II.
Here is a recap and below the link to the full interview.
In 2023 we have so far spotted three Fujifilm registrations, with 2 items still to come
FF220002 = Fujifilm X-S20
FF230001 = very likely Fujifilm GFX100II
FF230002 = yet unknown
We know for sure that one of the yet to be released items will be the Fujifilm GFX100II.
So what could be the second one?
I’ve read all sorts of speculations, from the Fujifilm GFX50R successor, the Fujifilm X-Pro4, Fujifilm X-E5, Fujifilm X-T6, Fujifilm X-T40, Fujifilm X80, Fujifilm X-H3, Fujifilm X-H3S, Fujifilm X100VI or X200 and more.
But those “rumors” appeared also ahead of the X Summit on May 24, and of course none of it materialized.
Here on FujiRumors we avoid to share fakes for traffic and SEO. That’s why all we rumored so far for 2023 were the X-S20 (code name FF220002) and the Fujifilm GFX100II (probably the FF230001).
So yes, there is still one piece of gear, the FF230002, that should come this year. But which camera will it be?
Again, I have absolutely no rumors about other cameras coming in 2023, so an idea came to me:
What if it’s not a camera?
What if it’s something else?
Because keep in mind that these registrations don’t say anything about “cameras”, but about gear that uses some sort of WiFi/Bluetooth frequencies.
So, with that in mind, and given the lack of rumors for another camera coming in 2023, I see three options:
Fujifilm will launch a new camera with the code name FF230002 in 2023, but FujiRumors simply does not know about it yet
Fujifilm will launch a new camera with the code name FF230002 in 2024
Fujifilm will launch an X-H alike file transmitter grip along with the GFX100II on September 12, and the grip has the code FF230002
Now, I don’t have rumors about any GFX100II file transmitter grip, but I have rumors about the GFX100II having an optional (and not integrated) battery grip, which could make option 3 likely.
Sure, also option 1 and 2 are still open. Especially if on September 12 the GFX100 II will come without any file transmitter grip.
But as we documented here it usually takes Fujifilm not more than 4 months (in two cases only it took them 6 months) to launch a camera after the registration has been spotted. And since the FF230002 registration appeared back in June here, the likelihood of a 2023 launch is very high.
And sure, there can always be a surprise camera. Maybe scheduled for launch later this year, maybe in November (X-T5 was launched in November too). I am just a rumor site and don’t claim to always know everything that will happen in the Fujifilm world. But maybe you remember the famous Fujifilm camera roadmap shared by Fuji Spain, in which they displayed two “disruptive” cameras coming for 2023. Well, if that roadmap was accurate, then the X-S20 and GFX100II would be those cameras and we can’t expect anything else coming this year.
But if that was the case, if nothing else would not come in 2023, then don’t worry, because as we already told you, the start into 2024 will be bombastic ;).
As soon as the video was up, I extracted the tags of the video and saw that the full tag-list included terms like “GFX100 II”, “tilt shift” and more (see screenshot above). I tried again now, and the tags that unveil what’s coming are no longer there.
So luckily I was fast enough to grab them for you. ;)
Now let’s go over them.
Let’s start with the tags that 100% tell us what’s coming September 12.
Fujifilm GFX100 II
Tilt Shift
According to my knowledge, also the Fujinon GF55mm f/1.7 should come on September 12.
Looking at the other tags gives us a sense on what the main focus of the event will be:
Now, there are no specific tags for Fujifilm X-Pro4, X-E5, X-S30, X-T6, X-T40, X-H3, X-H3S, X80, X100VI (X200) or whatever. So little hopes for any X series camera to come, otherwise they would have tagged it just like they tagged the GFX100 II.
But I’d already be very happy if behind that “X series” and “fujinon” would hide for example the unveil of a new X series lens roadmap, which is long overdue.
Anyway, overall a very GFX-centric event, with hope for X series tidbits too.
But we also know one more thing. Fujifilm two registrations filed so far: the Fujifilm FF230001 and FF230002.
Now, assuming that one of the two will be the Fujifilm GFX100 replacement, this leaves all possible options open for the second one.
Well, not really all options. I mean, I simply can’t see a Fujifilm X-H3 or Fujifilm X-H3s coming in September, as those cameras are hardly 1 year old (or less). And also not the Fujifilm X-T6 or Fujifilm X-S30.
But other than that, we can hope for:
a Fujifilm X-T5s with 26MP stacked sensor of X-H2S
a Fujifilm X-Pro4 maybe with some curious solutions as many hope for example a monochrome sensor
a Fujifilm X-E5 which is not a dead line according to Fujifilm managers
the long awaited Fujifilm X-T40
the much wished Fujifilm X80 or Fujifilm XF20
the revival of Fuji’s entry level cameras with the Fujifilm X-T300, Fujifilm X-A8, Fujifilm X-A30 or Fujifilm X-M2
less likely in my opinion the Fujifilm GFX100S successor, Fujifilm GFX50R successor or Fujifilm GFX50SII successor, as I can’t see Fuji launching two GFX cameras on the same day (they never did that in the past, but never say never)
And in fact, I asked you to vote on which camera you’d like to get on September 12 and you can see the results here.
X100V successor is NOT possible
At this point you’ve noticed something: there is no Fujifilm X100V successor (X200, X100VI, X100 whatever it will be called) in the list.
Well, because despite being one of your top wished cameras (second only to another camera), and despite fake rumors already being shared about the X100V to come on September 12, I can now tell you with 110% certainty that there will not be any Fujifilm X100V replacement coming in 2023.
Trust me on this guys. No X100V successor in 2023.
I guess Fujifilm has no hurry at all to come out with a successor, given the fact, explained by Fujifilm managers, that if the world would stop to order X100V today, it would still take them 3 months to be able to ship all X100V orders placed until yesterday.
Seen from this perspective, the biggest problem of the Fujifilm X100VI (or whatever) is the terrific success of the X100V.
Feeling Lucky?
“I feel lucky and will click the links to see if the X100V is in stock” :)