Fujifilm X-T4, X-E4, X-T30II Discontinued at Major Japanese Stores: So Let’s Talk Fujifilm X-T5, X-E5 and X-T40

Several major Japanese stores like MapCamera, BicCamera, and Yodobashi have now marked the Fujifilm X-T4, X-E4 and X-T30II as discontinued.

Map camera still has it in stock, but they won’t be receiving anymore units for sale after their stock is depleted. There’s a note on the pages that says “在庫限り(生産完了品)” which translates to “Limited stock (discontinued item)“.

So let’s talk about it.

Fujifilm X-T5:

In the past, especially when it comes to the X-T line, once a successor was released, the older model was still manufactured for a while, simply because they remained very popular. So discontinue the X-T4 even before the Fujifilm X-T5 arrives would be very unique.

But hey, we also live unique times with the massive parts shortage.

Since the Fujifilm X-T5 will be announced shortly, Fujifilm could have decided to stop Fujifilm X-T4 production in order to use some of the X-T4 components for the Fujifilm X-T5 production. A unique, drastic but maybe necessary move. But that’s just a mere speculation of mine, trying to make sense on why it is marked as discontinued at some Japanese stores.

Fujifilm X-E5:

It usually takes Fujifilm almost 4 years to update the X-E line. So a Fujifilm X-E5 coming so soon (X-E4 was announced in January 2021), would be extremely surprising.

If Fujifilm really discontinued the X-E4 as some Japanese stores write, then I believe the most likely reason is not because a Fujifilm X-E5 is about to drop, but because Fujifilm needs some of the parts to manufacture newer and more important cameras (in terms of revenue for Fujifilm) as the Fujifilm X-H2S, Fujifilm X-H2 and the imminent Fujifilm X-T5.

Fujifilm X-T40

Fujifilm needs about 2 years to update the X-T** line.

The Fujifilm X-T30 was released in February 2019. It’s successor, the Fujifilm X-T30II came in September 2021. So one might think we might have to wait late 2023 or early 2024 for an X-T40, but consider that the Fujifilm X-T30II is a last second emergency product of Fujifilm: they run out of parts and in order to keep the manufacturing process of the X-T30 alive, they needed to use new and slightly improved hardware parts (such as a better LCD screen).

Not even Fujifilm sees the X-T30II as a true successor to the X-T30. So I guess a Fujifilm X-T40 in not too distant future could be a possibility.

But the problem here is: I have zero rumors or ever so slight hint and whisper about it, which makes me believe that the Fujifilm X-T40 won’t come that soon.

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Rumors and Discussions

FujiCast Talk with Fujifilm Manager: About X-T5 and X-T5S Possibilities, X-Pro4, X-H2 and X-H2S, Autofocus, Firmware Updates and More

In the lastest Fujicast episode, Kevin and Neale have, among the others, a talk with Fujifilm UK manager Andreas Georghiades recoded live at the House of Photography in London.

Down below you find a summary as well as the full 1+ hour podcast to listen.

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Which 5th Generation Sensor do You Want in the Fujifilm X-T5, X-Pro4, X-E5, X-S20, X-T40, X80, X200?

When I re-watched the X Summit, I was confused by the statement the Japanese Fujifilm manager made in regards to the 5th generation 26MP stacked and 40MP non-stacked sensor.

His statement:

there is no other camera platform more suitable to have them both than the ‘X-H” Series

I wondered what he meant by that, and I concluded it could be either one of the 2 options mentioned below:

  1. only the X-H line will offer both sensor options
  2. since the X-H line is the most suitable, it will be the first to feature both sensor options. Other less suitable lines might get both options too, but only later on as the priority is the X-H line
  3. NEW ENTRY: some FR-reader said this is just marketing blah blah blah aimed to sell as many X-H cameras as possible and then both sensors will find its way in most camera lines anyway

I’ve asked you guys in a survey what you think the manager meant, and here is the result of the survey.

SPECULATION (NOT RUMOR): In my eyes, it would make sense to put both sensor options in at least all of Fuji’s higher end models, as ordering the same Sony sensor in larger numbers, helps to push down the cost for each sensor.

But what Fujifilm will decide to do is unknown at this point. And maybe it is even unknown to Fujifilm itself.

And yet…

let’s assume for a moment that the interpretation the majority of you guys gave is correct. So let’s assume that only the X-H line will get both sensor options.

This would mean that in regards to all other lines, Fujifilm would have to make a decision on which sensor to pick for each camera.

And if that would be the case, I can already see lots of head scratching at the Fujifilm HQ trying to figure out which sensor is best for which line.

If that’s really the case, then I thought that the generous FujiRumors community will gladly invest a bit of its time to give Fujifilm its opinion on this matter by commenting on this article and by voting the surveys down below.


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Sirui Anamorphic Lenses for Fujifilm X on Sale Now

The Sirui Anamorphic lenses for Fujifilm X mount are right now in offer until April 30.

These will be great lenses for Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm X-T4, Fujifilm X-T5, Fujifilm X-T6, Fujifilm X-H2, Fujifilm X-H2S, Fujifilm X-H3, Fujifilm X-H2r, Fujifilm X-Pro4 and all the other cameras that Fujifilm will launch in the decade to come, such as the Fujifilm X-T7, Fujifilm X-H4, Fujifilm X-H5, Fujifilm X-Pro5, Fujifilm X-E5, Fujifilm X-H20, Fujifilm X-S20, Fujifilm X-H2O (the underwater X-H2)… ;)