FujiCast with Fujifilm Manager: X-H2 Talk, Monochrome GFX, Amazing 2022 for Fuji, Kaizen Talk, “Tonygate” and More

Fujicast is back with new episode #197 and #198. Also again on the podcast, Fujifilm UK manager Andreas Georghiades.

Not so surprising, as Japanese Fujifilm managers confirmed it already a few times: there will be a Fujifilm X-H2 one day. It’s probably Fuji’s way to facepalm publicy when they read the fake rumor the X-H line had been canceled ;).

They also talk about the Tony Northrup video, where Tony does not look overly optimistic to Fujifilm’s future.

Down below you can find the podcast as well as a summary.


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BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H2 Coming 2022 with 40 (not 43) Megapixel Sensor

Fujifilm X-H2

We have to be clear and careful.

So let’s start with what Fujifilm told us at the recent Fujifilm X Summit here:

And indeed, last year Sony has released a brand new 43 megapixel APS-C stacked BSI sensor.

So it’s a done deal, right? We will get a Fujifilm X-H2 with 43 megapixel APS-C stacked BSI sensor as everybody speculates based on Sony’s sensor offering?

Well, no!

After the X summit, several trusted sources reached out to us and wanted me to inform fellow FR-readers, that the Fujifilm X-H2 will have a 40 megapixel sensor.

No more details given for now.

Now, I don’t know if it is the same 43 megapixel sensor we talked about earlier, but Fujifilm will effectively use only 40 of those for some obscure reason, or if it’s simply just another sensor we don’t know about yet. I will investigate this and let you know.

What is sure, is that once the Fujifilm X-H2 hits the market, it will be sold and marketed as a 40MP camera.

And quite frankly, in a world where every megapixel matters, it would be a bad marketing move to use a 43MP sensor and advertise it as a lower resolution 40MP sensor. So my guess (not rumor, guess), is that it’s a true 40 megapixel sensor.



FujiRumors already and exclusively told you that there will be two Fujifilm X-H2 cameras coming.

Will both feature this 40MP sensor, maybe one in X-Trans version and the other with a more affordable Bayer sensor? Or will one have a selfie screen and the other a 3 way tilt screen? A retro and a PSAM version? Or will there be two completely different sensors? Or maybe it’s the same sensor, just one in a video oriented camera maybe even with built-in fan, and a more stills oriented body?

Questions, that shall not remain unanswered for too long. Just follow FujiRumors and your doubts and questions will dissipate soon enough ;).

Until then, check out our initial X-H2 rumored specs list.

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Fujifilm X Summit Survey: What Was the Most Exciting Announcement for You? – VOTE

So, we had a few days to process all the information, to think about it, and so the time has come to ask you: what was the most exciting announcement at the Fujifilm X Summit according to you?

If you want to give it a look again, then you can check out the following coverage:

Down below you can find the survey.

The Most Exciting Annoucement at the X Summit was:

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DPRTV X Summit Reaction Video: Stacked APS-C sensor Dreams, GFX 50S II, X and GF Lens Roadmaps and More

Chris and Jordan from DRPreviewTV share their reactions to Fujifilm’s ‘X Summit 2021’ announcements: a new GFX 50S II medium format camera, new X-T30 II, new X-mount and GF-mount lenses, and a teaser for a new stacked APS-C sensor!

Here is a summary:

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