Fujifilm FF210005 Registration Spotted

Nokishita spotted the registration for a new Fujifilm camera with the code name FF210005.

Fujifilm’s digital camera “FF210005” has passed Bluetooth certification. (There is a possibility of X-T30 II, but the specifications of Bluetooth described are different)

Don’t worry, there is not another MKII camera coming this year. It’s probably just the X-T30II, but I will take a look at it for you guys.

The Fujifilm X-H2?

Well, I don’t think. Registrations are spotted usually just 1 to 3 months from the camera release, and the Fujifilm X-H2 is definitely more far away.

Sometimes registrations can be spotted after a camera release, like in case of the Fujifilm X-E4.

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via launchstudio via nokishita

Post X Summit: APS-C X Glory in 2022, Fujifilm X-H2 Confusion, Roadmap Lenses Analyzed, Fujinon XF56mmF1.2II, GF20-35mm Details & More

What a launch that was.

And just like after every launch, there are answers, questions, confusions, hopes, dreams and more.

I will deliberately skip all the stuff you certainly know about. The firmware update announcements for GFX100/S, the specs of the new gear and more. I prefer to clarify, elaborate and add some details coming our from yesterday’s event and that either passed unnoticed or created potential confusion.

At the end, my short take on the event.

  • Patrick, you said there will be an XF56mmF1.2 II coming 2022, but the latest X mount roadmap does not show it

You have no idea how many emails I am getting with this question today :).

Don’t worry guys. The Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 II will come in 2022. Fujifilm does not insert all lenses in the roadmap. The latest example was the XF27mmF2.8 R WR, which just hit the market without ever being on any roadmap.

Trust me, in 2022 the MKII is coming.

  • We know what sensor the Fujifilm X-H2 will have!

Yes, and no.

First of all keep in mind that Fujifilm never mentioned the Fujifilm X-H2. It’s only thanks to FujiRumors that we know that the next X series camera to introduce a new sensor and processor will be the Fujifilm X-H2. A rumor recap below.

So technically we know only that a new sensor is coming. And we also don’t know the time frame for that.

But yes, it will be the X-H2.

However, you guys also know that there will be two Fujifilm X-H2 cameras. Will both feature an X-Trans BSI stacked sensor? And if so, what will be the other differences?

So there is still some confusion here… confusion that FujiRumors is going to dissipate soon enough ;).

Let’s move on.

  • Is Fujinon XF35mmF1.4 R now discontinued as some “rumors” said?

Oh my gosh, I had a good laugh when I read that fake rumor on the web. Of course it is not. And finally also Jonas Rask, Fuji Guy Billy and many others repeated in their first looks that the XF35mmF1.4 is here to stay.

  • Fujinon GF20-35mm but which aperture?

You might remember how back in 2017 I have shared an internal Fujifilm G mount roadmap.

Everything in that roadmap came to light, everything but the GF20-36mm.

Well, it was a long wait, but now we have it. With a slight difference, it will be Fujinon GF20-35mm instead of GF20-36.

But what aperture will it have?

Well, according to our leaked roadmap, the original plan was a f3.5-4.5 lens, so it could well be a Fujinon GF20-35mm f/3.5-4.5 at the end.

But keep in mind that during the presentation Fujifilm remarked several times that they want to keep this lens compact and portable, and first mockups you can see in our X summit coverage definitely show a lovely sized lens. I don’t know if for the sake of size Fujifilm will make it a bit slower. However, their target is definitely an f/3.5-4.5 lens.

  • Fujinon GF55mm f/1.7 and GF tilt shift – and More Details?

Not many.

But we did share images of mockups here.

What we can see is that similar to the GF80mmF1.7, the GF55mmF1.7 will not have a linear motor (saves size) and a filter size of 77.

The tilt shift lens is currently planed as Fujinon GF30mm F4 R TS with a 105 filter size.

  • Conclusion

I think it was a great event, that gave us good hints on which direction Fujifilm is taking. And most importantly, it shows that Fujifilm is extremely committed to both the X and GFX series, which got basically the same coverage during the event (5 minutes more for the GFX system in a one hour video).

And by ending their X summit with sensor hints for the next APS-C sensor generation, they wanted to set a clear signal that even though 2021 was more of a GFX year in terms of released gear, 2022 will see the X series come back in full power and glory.

And trust me, I know what I talk about… and if I was you, I’d always keep an eye on FujiRumors, as you might learn some very interesting stuff ;).

Fujifilm Unveils Details About Next APS-C Sensor Generation: BSI, X-Trans and Stacked!

Ok guys, the Fujifilm X summit just ended.

A lot has been shared, from X mount roadmap to GF lens roadmap, new product annoucnements and more. So check out our X summit live coverage.

What almost passed unnoticed, is the very last minute of the video, where Fujifilm announced the next generation sensor for the Fujifilm X system.

According to Fujifilm managers, it will be a stacked backside illuminated X-Trans sensor.

Now, thanks to FujiRumors leaks, we already knew it would be an X-Trans sensor, and we also knew that Sony has indeed a 43 Megapixel stacked BSI sensor available.

And to be clear, during the entire event, the Fujifilm X-H2 has not been mentioned a single time.

However, what we also know thanks to our sources, is that there will be two Fujifilm X-H2 cameras. Will both use this very same sensor? Will both be X-Trans? Or will the difference be on the ergnomic front (selfie vs 3-way tilt screen, PSAM vs retro dials)?

Questions… questions that FujiRumors will answer for you, don’t worry about that. Just follow us.

BREAKING: There Will be Two Fujifilm X-H2 Cameras Coming 2022

Fujifilm X-H2 mockup (not the real camera)
Fujifilm X-H2 mockup (not the real camera)

Fujifilm X-H2 + Fujifilm X-H2

Back in 2018/2019, “rumors” were circulating that the Fujifilm X-H line is dead.

And despite FujiRumors immediately debunking them as fake clickbait, they kept circulating and growing for many months.

But while I was sure there will be a Fujifilm X-H2 one day (although, as I told you in 2018, the wait would be very long), I didn’t see that one coming!

According to our trusted sources, Fujifilm has not one (1) but two (2) Fujifilm X-H2 cameras scheduled for release in 2022.

So, not only the X-H line is not dead, but Fujifilm will double down on it.

Of course this now complicates things a bit.

In fact, FujiRumors has already shared first specs and price indications about the Fujifilm X-H2 (list below). But now I have to figure out if it applies to both Fujifilm X-H2 cameras.

For example, will both Fujifilm X-H2 cameras feature an X-Trans sensor? Will both cameras cost below $2,500?

Let me figure this out now and stay tuned on FujiRumors for the latest Fujifilm X-H2 updates.

IMPORTANT: Huge Fujifilm announcements on September 2 at 9AM New York Time! Will we get Fujifilm X-H2 tidbits? I don’t know, but I certainly hope so.

Fujifilm X-H2 Rumors Recap

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Fujifilm X-H2 Coming with New X-Trans Sensor: My Thoughts and Your Vote!

Thanks to our sources, we know it: the Fujifilm X-H2 will feature a new X-Trans sensor!

What we also know, is that the Fujifilm X-H2 will be Fujifilm’s first camera to feature a new sensor and processor.

So here is quickly what I think about it.

Now, both color filter arrays have their strengths and weaknesses. We have written about it more in detail here. In short we could sum it up like this:

  • Bayer Array: better for more features
  • X-Trans Array: better for image quality

Again, this is a brutal simplification. If you want to understand it better, definitely read this article.

My Thoughts

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