Fujifilm X-H2 Owners Manual Available

The Fujifilm X-H2 owners manual is now available for download in PDF here and in HTML here.

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Understanding Fujifilm X-H2S versus X-H2… and Which One Would you Pick? (POLL)

Michael from Fujifilm explains the big and small differences between the Fujifilm X-H2s and Fujifilm X-H2, two Fujifilm mirrorless cameras released 3 months apart from each other, both built on the same magnesium alloy body.

And now that we know everything about these cameras (price, specs, performance, etc), I was curious to know which one you would pick if you had to buy one of them. Would you get the X-H2 or the X-H2s?

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Important Note Added by Fujifilm Regarding XF Lenses Supporting 40MP Sensor on X-H2 (and Fujifilm X-T5)

When Fujifilm launched the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2, they also published a list of lenses that get the maximum benefit from the new high resolution sensor.

This led quite some folks (also here on FujiRumors) to believe that the lenses not on the list will not profit at all from the increased resolution.

Some even said that because of this, they won’t upgrade to the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 (and also the upcoming 40MP Fujifilm X-T5)

I did try to explain that you have to see in other terms: the new sensor will finally let all XF lenses express at their best in terms of resolution. it’s just those not on the list won’t go quite up all the way to 40MP.

Finally Fujifilm understood that the message they put out was potentially confusing and now added a note on their official Fujifilm X-H2 page:

*The list specifies our selection of lenses that have high resolution performance from edge to edge at maximum aperture, allowing you to fully experience all that the 40MP sensor has to offer. Lenses not listed will also allow you to experience the improved resolution performance of the 40MP sensor.”

So if you want 40MP resolution from edge to edge at maximum aperture, then only the lenses on the list will deliver (see list below). But Fujifilm now clearly says that lenses not listed will also deliver improved resolution performance when used on the 40MP sensor.

Hence, if you want more resolution, buying a Fujifilm X-H2 or the Fujifilm X-T5 will give you that also by using lenses that are not on the list.

And from how I read it, some might even resolve all the 40MP when stopped down at least in the center of the frame. Would be nice if Fujifilm would be even more specific on that.

List of Lenses with 40MP resolving power edge to edge wide open:

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Fujifilm Says X-H2 Might Offer Automatic In-Camera Combination of 160MP Pixel Shift Files

Just as we rumored, the Fujifilm X-H2 turned out to be Fujifilm’s first X-Trans camera to offer pixel shift multishot.

The Fujifilm X-H2 takes 20 images, which you must then combine using Fujifilm’s pixel shift combiner software to create 160MP images.

Now, in an interview with the Japanese youtube channel of Gizmomo, when asked if it will ever be possible that the camera will combine the files internally without any need to use an external software, a Fujifilm representative answered:

[google translated] It’s very hard… (laughs). There are 40 million pixels, and the range of image processing is packed from one to here to here, so there may not be anything that can be technically impossible, so if there are so many opinions from everyone in the future, I may do my best.

So if all Fujifilm needs is pressure from us, so be it… let’s start it in the comments.

via dclife

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Johnnie at CineD: “Fujifilm X-H2 is Fuji’s Best Video Camera Ever Made and I Prefer it over X-H2s”

When I shared the first rumors about Fujifilm launching two X-H cameras (over 1 year ago!!!), many concluded that one will be the video centric and the other the stills centric camera.

But I insisted that this is not the difference to make.

  • Fujifilm X-H2
  • Fujifilm X-H2S

We must think in terms of “speed” and “resolution”, as both X-H cameras are excellent hybrid cameras, and the depending on your needs you might want more speed or resolution in your videos or stills.

Incredibly though, even after the release of both cameras, many still insist that the X-H2S is the video camera and the X-H2 the stills oriented body.

So you know what I’ll do?

I’ll give the word to a videographer we all know, appreciate and trust: Johnnie Behiri from CineD (one of the very few youtubers I trust for being honest in their reviews, but also honest with how they present themselves to their audience… you know what I mean).

Anyway, after filming short documentaries with both, the Fujifilm X-H2s and the Fujifilm X-H2 (hence after really using both cameras on the field rather than just in a basement), he decided that the best video tool for his needs is the Fujifilm X-H2.

Why? Well, he explains it this way:

Personally, the X-H2 is the best camera for video FUJIFILM has ever made! I’m sure it will also cater well to those who need to produce video next to photo content as the 40.2MP sensor is sufficient for such a “dual task”. With so many resolution options (Full HD – 8K), next to a robust internal recording 4:2:2 10- bit codec (ProRes), good IBIS, and good autofocus performance, I predict that this camera will be a hit, especially considering its attractive price ($1999). Add good audio and lowlight capabilities and there you have it – a very versatile working tool! So the bottom line is, after filming with both, the X-H2S and X-H2, the latter is my preferred option. Not because I don’t appreciate Open Gate, High Frame-Rate recording, or fast sensor capability, but I can simply live with those shortcomings and in exchange earn greater recording flexibility and good IBIS performance (which is essential for my documentary work).

He ends up calling the Fujifilm X-H2 the “Swiss Army Knife” in Fujifilm’s lineup.

It is interesting to note that he mentions the vastly improved IBIS on the X-H2 over the X-H2s, which can make huge hopes to Fujifilm X-H2s shooters to get an improvement via firmware update.

And despite the high-density pixel sensor, the noise performance on the Fujifilm X-H2 is really good. He writes:

One of the things that caught my attention is how well the camera records in lowlight situations despite having a 40.2MP sensor.”

To me it looks like Fujifilm actually did quite a miracle here. At least for stills, everybody was sure the Fujifilm X-H2 would perform worst than the X-T4 or the X-H2S, but that does not seem to be the case at all. No idea how the heck the Fuji engineers were able to achieve that and I hope that down the road some Fujifilm manager will give us a more technical explanation for that.

Make sure to read the full CineD X-H2 first look here.