Fujifilm Leaks What’s Coming September 12 (GFX100 II, Tilt Shift)

Fujifilm has just put their countdown for the X summit on September 12 on their YouTube page.

Of course the video can’t yet be watched (will start Sept. 12 at 5AM New York time).

But here is the thing.

As soon as the video was up, I extracted the tags of the video and saw that the full tag-list included terms like “GFX100 II”, “tilt shift” and more (see screenshot above). I tried again now, and the tags that unveil what’s coming are no longer there.

So luckily I was fast enough to grab them for you. ;)

Now let’s go over them.

Let’s start with the tags that 100% tell us what’s coming September 12.

  • Fujifilm GFX100 II
  • Tilt Shift

According to my knowledge, also the Fujinon GF55mm f/1.7 should come on September 12.

Looking at the other tags gives us a sense on what the main focus of the event will be:

  • photography
  • cinema
  • movie recording

It’s interesting to see so much emphasis on the video side of things. And we already told you that the GFX100 II will bring several new features, such as Video touch-to-track AutofocusWaveforms Monitor and Anamorphic Mode.

A tag that gives X series users hopes:

  • X Series

Now, there are no specific tags for Fujifilm X-Pro4, X-E5, X-S30, X-T6, X-T40, X-H3, X-H3S, X80, X100VI (X200) or whatever. So little hopes for any X series camera to come, otherwise they would have tagged it just like they tagged the GFX100 II.

But I’d already be very happy if behind that “X series” and “fujinon” would hide for example the unveil of a new X series lens roadmap, which is long overdue.

Anyway, overall a very GFX-centric event, with hope for X series tidbits too.

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
GFX100II Rumors & More

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Fujifilm X Summit on September 12: What Camera are You Hoping for to Come? VOTE NOW

So, we just leaked the date of the next Fujifilm X Summit, which will happen on September 12.

Now I am curious to know what you guys are hoping for to come.

That’s why I have now launched a survey that includes plausible, less plausible and borderline impossible options.

I’ll not include 110% impossible cameras, which would be for example a Fujifilm X-H3 or Fujifilm X-H3s, as those cameras are hardly 1 year old (or less). Or the Fujifilm X-T6 or Fujifilm X-S30.

What we will inlcude are the Fujifilm X-T5s (X-T5 with 26MP stacked sensor of X-H2S), Fujifilm X-Pro4, Fujifilm X-E5, Fujifilm X-T40, Fujifilm X100V successor (X200, X100VI, X100 whatever), Fujifilm X80, Fujifilm XF20, Fujifilm X-T300, Fujifilm X-A8, Fujifilm X-A30, Fujifilm X-M2, Fujifilm GFX100 successor, Fujifilm GFX100S successor, Fujifilm GFX50R successor and Fujifilm GFX50SII successor.

I will give you two options to vote on, because Fujifilm has so far registered two yet to be released cameras.

Have fun voting :)

On September 12 I would like to Get the Following Cameras (max 2 votes)

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Fujifilm FF230002 Registration Found – Expect X-Pro4, X-E5, X-S30, X-T6, X-T40, X-H3, X-H3S, X80, X100VI (X200) and GFX50R Successor Rumors to Magically Appear ;)

Fujifilm has registered the FF230002, so we now have a total of 2 registrations:

  • FF230001
  • FF230002

One of them will certainly be the Fujifilm GFX100 successor, which we already rumored months ago here.

Now, I can see the “rumors” about the Fujifilm GFX50R successor, the Fujifilm X-Pro4, Fujifilm X-E5, Fujifilm X-T6, Fujifilm X-T40, Fujifilm X80, Fujifilm X-H3, Fujifilm X-H3S, Fujifilm X100VI or X200 and more pop up. But those “rumors” appeared also ahead of the X Summit on May 24, and of course none of it materialized. But I guess misleading readers for traffic and good SEO is a great deal for them.

FujiRumors will let you know what the real deal is… clickbait and misleading free as usual ;).

  • FF230002
  • 5.8GHz/5.1GHz/2.4GHz
  • ≤20ppm
  • 5725-5850MHz 5150-5350MHz 2400-2483.5MHz
  • 2023-06-19

The patent has been found at cmiitid by the Japanese website asobinet.

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Why, Fujifilm? Three (Minor) Fujifilm Errors that Defy Any Explanation

We talk lots of good stuff about Fujifilm. And that’s right so, as they deserve it.

And yet, not everything Fujifilm does is right all the time.

In the past, I did run over 7 major errors Fujifilm did (or is doing) and wrote a dedicated article about it:

Today I’d like to focus on three errors that are for sure minor, but they are annoying anyway and show that sometimes Fujifilm really does not think it through.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **