Fujifilm X-T3 LUT
Fujifilm just released the LUT for the Fujifilm X-T3.
This LUT file is to edit the movie data below when the data is edited by a movie editor on your PC or Mac.
*4K movie data of X-T2 recorded in external HDMI devices with the mode of the “HDMI F-Log” under the “4K MOVIE OUTPUT” in the “MOVIE SETTING”
*4K and Full HD movie data of X-T3 and X-H1 recorded on SD cards or in external HDMI devices with the mode of the “F-Log RECORDING” in the “MOVIE SETTING”
F-Log 3D-LUT file
The FR-reader, who passed me the link (thanks) also gave me his first impressions:
“In this update, Fuji simply added X-T3 support, interestingly, the LUTs for X-T3 are brand new and contain different values compared to X-T2/X-H1 versions, it’s safe to assume that Fuji used a different sensor colorimetry in X-T3. If you apply X-T3 LUTs on X-T2/X-H1 F-log footage, the image shows a subtle but visible green bias, compared to the correct LUTs.”
Feel free to let us know you experience in the comments. And huge THANKS to everybody, who helps me, by sharing news and rumors with me.
via fujifilm
Fujifilm X-T3 IN STOCK NOW: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
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