Many asked: when and how can you preorder the X100VI? And we have the answer.
Starting from 1:00 AM New York time (7AM Berlin Time) stores will list the Fujifilm X100VI on their pages and you’ll be able to preorder it.
Down below you’ll find the links to the X100VI at several stores. They might not show the X100VI right now, but at 1:00 AM New York time they will lead you to the X100VI.
UPDATED with MESSAGE TO SOURCE: I assume the comment that came with the other information you shared indicates that it should not be shared publicy on FujiRumors? I’ll go the safest route possible and assume that. Otherwise, feel free to tell me if/how I can handle that part of the rumor.
But after I’ve shared the rumor, I have noticed some misunderstandings. So let me address those first, and then we’ll talk about each of the three cameras
But I didn’t mean to say that all we get in 2024 are these three cameras, and all of them will come in the first half of 2024 (as I see reported around on Forums etc).
I was referring to the fact that initially we told you that there will be “3 or more cameras” coming in first half 2024, and now we can be more specific and confirm that the number of cameras will be 3.
So to be clear I want to remark: I don’t know how many cameras will be launched in the entire year 2024. What I know so far is that there will be 3 cameras in the first half (the replacements of these models), and there will be potentially more cameras in the second half of 2024. But so far I have no rumors about it.
So there is still the second half of 2024 where Fujifilm could have potentially lots of time to please us with much more gear.
And I promise that after the imminent X100VI-centric X Summit I will try to find out more about it.
That’s all just distraction from the one and only true question that obsesses us these days: Fujifilm X100VI, should I get it in black or in silver?
So I thought a nice survey could help us to clear up our mind regarding this essential question.
My preference? Well, I have a theory.
I believe that Fujifilm rangefinder cameras with OVF (X-Pro and X100 line) look better in silver, whereas rangefinder cameras without OVF (X-E line) look better in all black.
I don’t know why that is, but that’s how I see it.
So, in case of the Fujifilm X100VI, I personally would go for the silver version. But honestly I’d be very happy also with the black one. I guess any version is fine that one can find in store… important is to just find it somewhere in stock :D.