New Fujifilm XApp Update brings Welcome Improvement

The new Fujifilm XApp just got a software update 1.1.0 and it brings a much welcome improvement: it allows us to use the app with location set to off.

I now have personally set my XApp geolocation tracking permission on the phone to “While Using the App”.

All I have to do now is not to forget to open the App before I starting to shoot ;).

Here are the details of the update:

  • The application is enhanced that the smartphones and cameras are able to communicate via Wi-Fi even if the permission to access “Location” is not set.
  • Application functions that do not require permissions to access can be used even if the permissions to access those functions are not set.
  • The minor bug is fixed that some smartphone models fail to connect to the camera via Wi-Fi in rare cases.

You can download the lastestĀ Fujifilm X App for iOS here and for Android here.