Fujinon XF 500mmF5.6 Coming in White Color unlike GF 500mmF5.6

The long telephoto prime lens of Fujifilm is finally coming: the Fujinon XF500mm f/5.6!

The announcement is scheduled to happen within this year.

But a question urged fellow FR-reader Hiergeist here:

Will it be black like the GFX 500 or white like the XF 200?

Well, we have the answer: unlike its G mount counterpart, the Fujinon GF 500mm f/5.6 which comes in black, the Fujinon XF500mmF5.6 will come in white color, making it Fujifilm’s third XF lens in white after the Fujinon XF200mmF2 and the Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8.

More rumors to follow, so definitely stay tuned.

Fujinon XF 500mm f/5.6 Full Announcement Set for 2nd Half of 2024 – Possible Teaser at May 16 X Summit?

Some of you mentioned in the comments that you had the NIKKOR 500mm F/5.6 with a Fringer adapter in your cart, ready to purchase.

However, after I shared the rumor about the Fujinon XF 500mm f/5.6 coming in 2024, you changed your plans.

This shows why I strive to be as accurate as possible: your buying decisions are influenced by our rumors, which places a significant responsibility on my shoulders. I’ve learned to handle this pressure by ensuring my information is as precise as it can be.

To clarify further: following my announcement that the Fujinon XF 500mm f/5.6 will be released in 2024, some of you asked if it would be unveiled at the X Summit on May 16.

But according to our sources, the full announcement, including specs and pre-orders, will occur in the second half of 2024.

Now, I don’t know if Fujifilm will add the lens to the roadmap, announce its development, or display mockups on May 16. We will have to wait for the X Summit to find out. But to my knowledge, the comprehensive announcement with full specifications and purchase options is expected in the second half of 2024.

EXCLUSIVE: This is Fujifilm’s New XF Telephoto Prime Lens Coming in 2024!

The Rumor

The time has come to unveil the truth.

And the truth is that Fujifilm did listen to all the complaints and finally decided to deliver.

And look, the lens that is coming, is not the most requested one overall according to our survey, but it was highly requested anyway and it took the second spot with 13% of the votes.

The lens that Fujifilm is currently scheduled for 2024 release…

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