Updated Fujifilm 2019/2020 Camera and Lens Release Timeline

Fujifilm Timeline

It’s high time to update our older Fujifilm 2019/2020 camera and lens release timeline.

This is just an approximate timeline and expect to see updates to this list over the next few weeks and months.

For now, this is mainly just an update to the list we shared back in January.

All rumors are as always exclusive FujiRumors.com information. When I just make some guess, I will highlight that for you in the notes.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: We are talking about release timeline, not announcement timeline.

How Many Lenses a Year?

  • as we told you here, at the current pace and current resources, Fujifilm can release about 2/3 GF and 2/3 XF lenses a year
  • the list below contains 1 XF and 1 GF lens
  • hence we can expect to see 1/2 more XF and 1/2 more GF lenses to join the list
  • Fujifilm has given up options to vote which lenses should come next

Fall 2019

Coming 2020

Expect 1 or 2 more X as well as GF lenses. My guess:

  • GF 21mm F4 Tilt Shift
  • XF 10mm F2

Probably NOT Coming 2019/2020

* our sources say it will not be released in 2019, and probably not even in 2020. But Fujifilm managers confirmed here, that the X-H line will continue

Top Possible Bonus Gear in 2020

* based on this old rumor rumor
** wishful thinking based on XF10 disappointment
*** no rumors. but please, FUJI, PLEASE!!!
**** no rumor, just a mere wild guess

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Fujifilm X-H1: an Unloved Child, FujiRumors’ New Temptation… and WOW!

I tell you this:

If I wasn’t the rangefinder lover that I am, and I’d had to buy a DSLR styled mirrorless Fujifilm camera today, I’d not pick the Fuji X-T3, not even the Fujifilm X-T30!

Nope, I’d go all in with the Fujifilm X-H1.

And in fact, for two reasons I might explain in a future article, in these days I played with the thought, to get a Fujifilm X-H1.

And honestly, at THAT Price to me it’s such a steal!

I know there is the X-T3 out there, but the X-H1 autofocus is actually pretty fast, certainly more than fast enough for my needs. The image quality is just as lovely as on my Fujifilm X-E3. The build quality just screams “made in Japan” from every angle of the camera. It has IBIS. And some of my longer lenses would certainly balance better on the X-H1 than on my X-E3 or even X-T1.

So I am officially tempted, especially considering that the Fujifilm X-H2 is still far away.

Because in these days something happened, but I want to come down a bit before and see how all this ends, or it would end up in a rant. And today it’s weekend. My nephew is coming soon to my home. And I want to come down and be in good mood :).

So let’s stop it here and go back to the Fujifilm X-H1.

Let’s give some love to a camera, that would definitely deserve much more success than it has, thanks to a dedicated X-H1 roundup.

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X-H1 Roundup

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Fujifilm X-Pro3 Registered Online and Coming Fall 2019

Fujifilm X-Pro3

The Fujifilm X-Pro3 has now been registered with the code name FF190002 here (via nokishita). The other two cameras registered there are the X-T3 and X-T30.

And no, it’s not the Fujifilm X-H2!

Here on FujiRumors we have already started breaking some Fujifilm X-Pro3 rumors.

Additional X-Pro3 content:

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Fujifilm GFX100: No IBIS/OIS Combo, X-H1 vs GFX IBIS, Fujifilm GFX 100 Media Sheets, F-Log and More

In a recent interview, Fujifilm managers unveiled that it took them 3 years to develop the IBIS mechanism for the Fujifilm GFX100.

1.5 years were shared with the Fujifilm X-H1 IBIS mechanism development. But once the IBIS for X-H1 was ready, it took them additional 1.5 years for Fujifilm GFX100 IBIS.

At Fujikina 2019 in Toyko, Fujifilm displayed the ASP-C and MF IBIS units. You can see the difference in the image below.

Imaging-resource also shared a video and some GFX100 media slides. They say:

  • IBIS and OIS do not work together. Could change in future with firmware update, as it happened with Fujifilm X-H1
  • 4K@30p full sensor readout, but uses line skipping in vertical direction

The Fujifilm X-H1 IBIS looks small next to the Fujifilm GFX100 one. However, the X-H1 IBIS is still too big. It’s one of Fuji’s priorities to make it even smaller in order to give us a smaller Fujifilm X-H2, or maybe even fit it into a future Fujifilm X-T4 and X-T40 or any other camera that might come down the road.

Fujifilm GFX100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

The GFX Community

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Media Slides

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Fujifilm Manager: “70% of GFX Users Came from Full Frame. X-H and X-T Line Will Both Evolve in Future” – Hope for Fujifilm X-H2

Fujifilm GFX100

Fujifilm Channel X has published an 45 minutes interview with Fujifilm managers from Fujikina 2019. See the video above (sadly not so good audio quality) and a summary down below.

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera, CalumetDE, ParkcamerasUK, JessopsUK, PCHstore

The Market

  • Fujifilm GFX100 market is not the traditional medium format market
  • GFX 50 already aimed to amateur customers in addition to high-end photography
  • 70% of Fujifilm GFX 50R/S buyers come from full frame. So not only people switch from Hasselblad and Phase One to GFX, but also FF users
  • the GFX system expanded the larger format market, and GFX100 will continue to expand it
  • GFX100 should expand market also towards movie shooting photographer

The GFX100 strenghts

  • compared to full frame, GFX system has better image quality in terms of ISO performance, dynamic range and resolution
  • traditionally large format camera (including film) are big and for tripod use, but GFX system is smaller, and GFX100 has also IBIS, hence less need for tripod
  • GFX100 is about autofocus, mobility, quality


  • Fujifilm GFX 50 EVF works on GFX100, but GFX100 EVF on GFX50 will not work

GFX Lineup and GF lenses

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