Fujifilm X-T4 vs X-T3 vs X-H1 – The Ultimate Specs Comparison Sheet

Just a few days before the official announcement, we know quite a bit already about the Fujifilm X-T4, thanks to the major exclusive leaks on FujiRumors here and here, and the size and weight leak by nokishita here.

So I thought we can already launch a first, and already almost complete, Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-T4 vs X-H1 specs comparisons sheet.

Thanks to FujiRumors sources, the specs comparison is already almost complete.

We have only missing some data, like the official battery life, the fps with electronic shutter, the official buffer rate and the official EVF specs. For the rest, it’s basically complete.

Of course I will add, change and complete it once more leaks come in.

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Specs Comparison Below

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Fujifilm Manager About Full Frame vs APS-C, Firmware Updates for X-T3, DSLR vs Mirrorless and Talking Fujifilm X-H2 is like… :)

Fujifilm Manager Interview

The latest Fujicast podcast episode of Kevin Mullins and Neale James just went online.

It’s a special episode from the Fujifilm House of Photography in London with Fujifilm manager Andreas Georghiades.

The podcast is one hour long and you can listen to it here. In this article, we will focus on the Q&A with the Fujifilm manager.

And guess what?

Of course it starts with the Fujifilm full frame evergreen ;).

So the first question is, what is this obsession with APS-C? Full frame would be Fuji’s opportunity to capture the market.

  • There is not really an obsession
  • When Fujifilm first looked at mirrorless, APS-C was the best balanced system in terms of size, weight and image quality
  • Obviously there are advantages to bigger sensors, which is why Fujifilm developed the GFX system
  • bigger sensors also have disadvantages in terms of speed and performance and other things [FujiRumors listed them in this article]
  • that’s why Fujifilm decided to fight on two fronts
  • there is a lot of noise around 35mm. The manager does not call it full frame, as in photography history what was considered full frame always changed. Today it’s just a great marketing terminology
  • if you want high resolution, you can get GFX
  • if you want something smaller and lighter than DSLR, there is the APS-C X series
  • if you go bigger sensor, you also go bigger and more expensive lenses, and you end up with bigger kits
  • Canon, Nikon and Panasonic full frame offering does not give you any benefit in terms of size and weight over DSLR
  • you have to ask yourself the question, why do you go mirrorless. If you want to save size and weight, APS-C is better

How to stay competitive in the market?

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Fujifilm X-T3 Autofocus Test: Old Firmware vs New Firmware

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Fujifilm X-T3 firmware

Fujifilm recently released Fujifilm X-T3 firmware 3.20, which promises a noticeable improvement in face and eye autofocus.

If you are looking for feedback, take a loot at the 281 comments in our Fujifilm X-T3 firmware 3.20 article.

Now we have a first autofocus comparison between the Fujifilm X-T3 old vs new firmware.

The video is French by les-guides-fujifilm.com. Left side camera old firmware, right camera new firmware.

The video below starts at min. 8.06, which is where you can see both cameras tested side by side.

If somebody speaks French (sadly it’s not one of the 4 languages I speak), it would be great if you could quickly summarize in the comments what he thinks about the new firmware.

UPDATE: here is the translation from one of our readers (thanks)

  • face detection is generally better as it works with smaller (further away) faces, and is more reliable
  • multiple faces are also better handled than before
  • in difficult circumstance (such as somebody wearing glasses, face seen from the side, …) there seems to be no improvement.
  • with 56 XF strange results: new firmware seems to degrade the autofocus performance
  • with 16-80 XF there’s a general improvement
  • tracking remains a bit laggy, no real improvement vs previous version

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