Fujifilm Will Promote X-H2 as Having “Improved Low/High ISO” Performance

When I first shared the rumor about the Fujifilm X-H2 and Fujifilm X-T5 having a new lower base ISO, I said that this was one of my hopes for the future of the X series, as this could potentially mean better ISO performance.

Some people immediately called me out on that saying that ISO means nothing and it’s all just random numbers (which it is not, it’s just that there are different standards). Others said that what really matters is the FWC per unit area and not the ISO number.

And since things started to get really nerdy and complicated, a trusted source dropped me an email and came to my help.

The source told me that Fujifilm will actually promote the Fujifilm X-H2 as having “improved low/high ISO“.

The fact that Fujifilm will launch the Fujifilm X-H2 by saying it has “improved low/high ISO” pretty much ends all our talks. Unless Fujifilm’s marketing division has decided to lie to us (or unless our trusted source is wrong, which it is not), the new lower base ISO will also lead to overall better ISO performance.

So, thanks to our source, that’s my final word on this ISO debate.

Now all we can do is to wait for the day the Fujifilm X-H2 will be announced and see samples and comparisons, so we can see with our own eyes what “improved low/high ISO” means.

And keep in mind: according to our information, the Fujifilm X-T5 will share the same sensor of the Fujifilm X-H2. So whatever the X-H2 IQ and AF performance will be, it will apply also to the Fujifilm X-T5 (whenever that one will come).

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Rumors and Discussions

Fujifilm X-T5 with No Battery Grip: a Dealbreaker? VOTE SURVEY

We shared the rumor, provided to us by a new source, about the Fujifilm X-T5 having no battery grip option.

Now, for some reason I had the feeling that this wouldn’t be a big deal, as my impression was that the vast majority of X-T shooters don’t use the battery grip anyway.

But a recent survey we made shows that 38% of the FujiRumors readers owning an X-T camera also own the battery grip.

Assuming there will be quite some X-T shooters that might want to upgrade to the Fujifilm X-T5, I was wondering if the lack of battery grip would be a dealbreaker for you or not.

For those Interested to buy Fujifilm X-T5: would the lack of Battery Grip be a Dealbreaker for You?

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Rumors and Discussions

VOTE NOW: Are You a Fujifilm X-T Shooter? Tell Us if You Own also the Vertical Battery Grip

We shared the rumor coming from a new source, that the Fujifilm X-T5 will be the first X-T camera that won’t offer a vertical battery grip option:

After we shared our rumor, some said this will totally cripple the X-T line (which is Fuji’s by far best selling line).

That made me wonder how popular the vertical battery grip really is among Fujifilm X-T shooters, so I thought I could launch a survey about it.


  • if you are a Fujifilm X-T camera user (X-T1, X-T2, X-T3, X-T4)
  • … and ONLY if you are a Fujifilm X-T camera user…

… feel free to vote the survey down below.

I am a Fujifilm X-T camera user and...

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RUMOR: Fujifilm X-T5 will Not Have Battery Grip Option – New Source

When Fujifilm launched the Fujifilm X-H2S, it also launched not one, but two battery grip options for it: the regular Fujifilm VG-XH and the file transmitting Fujifilm FT-XH.

So will this be the case also for the Fujifilm X-T5? Will it also get both options?

Well, apparently not.

A new source reached out to us and told us that there won’t be any battery grip for the Fujifilm X-T5.

This would mean that if you love to shoot with a battery grip, your only options will be the Fujifilm X-H2S and the upcoming Fujifilm X-H2. Or you can go with older models like the Fujifilm X-T4 with the VG-XT4 grip.

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Rumors and Discussions

The Rumors to Come (Fujifilm X-H2, Fujifilm X-T5, Camera Remote App…) and What we Got Right and Wrong – Mid 2022 Rumor Check

We are half through 2022, so time to check out how things are going in the rumor world.

For you, this is a great opportunity to get an overview on all remaining rumors in one single article ranked by reliability and to see if FujiRumors was worth your time by delivering accurate information.

One more thing: there are so many things I am working on right now. All I can say is for now is that we are going to have lots of fun ;)

  • 45 rumors shared in 2022 so far (many more to come)
  • 10 rumors still to be verified
  • 34 correct rumors out of 44 verifiable rumors (one can’t be verified, see below)
  • 0 wrong rumors
  • 100% correct rumors

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Rumor Overview with Rating

* 75% to 99% correct

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