Sirui 50mm f/1.8 1.33x Anamorphic Lens Pre-Order and Shipping in April

Back in September Sirui displayed for the first time the Sirui 50mm f/1.8 anamorphic lens.

Now the lens is listed at Adorama here.

Down below you can see some video first looks and sample videos.

According to information appeard on instagram here, the lens will ship in April. At least it was planed this way. We know that in times of Coronavirus everything can change quickly.

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Fujifilm X-T4 Pre-Orders at Amazon Europe


The Fujifilm X-T4 is available for pre-order at Amazon Europe.

You can find it for example at AmazonDE and AmazonUK.

Fujifilm BC-W235 Dual Battery Charger for X-T4 Pre-Order Available

It took a bit longer, but finally also the Fujifilm BC-W235 dual battery charger is available for pre-order.

At the moment you can get it only at BHphoto here and Focuscamera here, but you should soon find it available also at AmazonUS and Adorama.

I did pre-order a Fujifilm X-T4 myself, and I will probably get this charger too.

  • AC Input Power: 120 to 240 VAC, 50 / 60 Hz at 1.125 A
  • Output Voltage: 8.4 VDC
  • Number of Battery Bays: 2
  • Multi-Bay Charging Modes: Independent, Simultaneous
  • Indicator: LED
  • USB: Port 1 x USB Type-C
  • Dimensions: (W x H x D) 2.4 x 3.1 x 1.5″ / 62.0 x 80.0 x 37.5 mm
  • Weight: 3.35 oz / 95 g

BC-W235 Dual Battery Charger: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Focuscamera

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Shutter Sound Comparison Fujifilm X-T4 vs X-H1 vs X-T3 vs X-T2 vs X-T1 vs X100V

Since this post is about shutter sound, I would like to introduce it with the words of Tiziano Terzani:

“My life changed on the 30th of April 1975 [Note: last day of the Vietnam War], because on that day – when Americans flew from the roofs of Saigon – a skilled Vietnamese thief was able to steal a Leica M3 of an American. I met him at the market of Saigon a few days later and bought that camera. Wonderful. Simple. For 100 Dollar! It became the camera of my life. […]

The nice thing of that camera is, that it is very easy to load the film, that’s very important. […] You keep it around your neck, turn, open, insert film, close and – trum-pum! It’s ready to use. Easy. And once you selected shutter speed, aperture, black & white, 400 ASA, you take the picture. You simply cannot do anything wrong!

And then there was an almost erotic aspect, I mean, you put this camera for example at 1/125 and when you take the picture it makes a “cloc-cloc” that is such a joy to hear!”

Cloc-cloc” or “click-click” or “flap-flap“. Whatever the sound is, I agree with Tiziano that pressing the shutter button and hear it sealing the moment is a joy.

And now, after this introduction, let’s see how the shutter sound of the Fujifilm X series evolved over the years, thanks to a video by nyphotog2006 you can see below.

The comparison is between:

To me, the Fujifilm X-T4 shutter sounds even a tiny bit more quiet than the Fujifilm X-H1 shutter, which is rather impressive!

Then he throws a Fujifilm X100V into the comparison, but that’s like cheating, as it makes almost no sound thanks to its leaf shutter .

Cultural Sidenote: I love the books of Tiziano Terzani, and highly recommend you to read them. They also made a movie out of one of his books, it’s called “The End is my Beginning“. If you have some spare time, it’s worth to watch it. The actor playing Tiziano is Bruno Ganz, an absolute gigantic actor, who played iconic roles in film history, like the Hitler in Downfall and Wings of Desire of Wim Wenders.

Fujifilm X-T4 SmallRig Cage Pre-Order Available

SmallRig already offers various cages for Fujifilm cameras, for example:

Now Smallrig extended its offer by launching their Fujifilm X-T4 cage, and you can pre-order it at their website here.

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Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page

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