Fujifilm Camera Remote 4.4.1 Released with iOS 13 Support Fix

Fujifilm camera remote 4.4.1 has just been released for iOS and Android.

  • Support for iOS13.
    Bug Fixes and performance improvements.
    *Above feature varies depending on the camera you use.

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Iridient X Transformer 1.6.3 adds Fujifilm X100V and X-T200 Support

Iridient X-Transformer 1.6.3 has been released.

This update adds support for the X-T200 and even Fujifilm X100V models and fixes a macOS specific bug with foreign file/folder name characters that was introduced with in the  previous 1.6.2 version.

You can download Iridient X Transformer here.

Top X100 Community: Fujifilm X100 facebook group
→ Top X-T Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group

Coming soon (X100V announcement date and time details):

Feel free to:

Capture One 20 – Top 5 Things You Need to Know and Every New Feature Explained

Capture One

As you know, Phase One has released Capture One 20.

I thought it might be helpful to share a few tutorial videos, not only about Capture One 20, but also about Capture One Pro 12, as many have either not yet upgraded, and because tips for C12 are useful also for C20.

Also, we share some C1 styles created by Michael Damböck.

Interested? Then check it out down below.

But before that, let’s also talk about Topaz, because today Topaz announced their new Video Enhance AI which scales up your videos up to 8K. It’s available for Windows and will come to Mac soon. And there is a $100 discount. Topaz writes:

Until now, there was no way to perfectly recreate a high-resolution video from low-resolution footage. From old home movies to low-quality SD to DVD quality and more, Video Enhance AI will transform your videos into clean upscaled footage up to 8K resolution.


** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

It’s Gone: Also Fujifilm X100V Without D-Pad

Fujifilm X100V - First Real Life Image
Fujifilm X100V – First Real Life Image

Fujifilm X100V

After we leaked the first real life images of the Fujifilm X100V, there was a debate on if it had a D-Pad or not.

Well, I’d like to end this debate, and tell you that it has no D-Pad.

But that’s not as bad, as it might be on the Fujifilm X-Pro3… let me explain:

Due to the nature of the hidden screen, on the X-Pro3 basically loses the 4 FN-swipe LCD functions (unless you tilt it down).

But on the Fujifilm X100V it will remain easy and fast to access those 4 additional touch FN swipe settings.

The Fujifilm X100V will be announced February 4.

FujiRumors will live stream the Fujifilm X100V announcement from the Fujifilm X Summit.

  • fujirumors – Fujifilm X100V: First Leaked Image
  • fujirumors – Fujifilm X100V Registered and Coming February 4
  • fujirumors – New Fujifilm X100V Lens still Compatible with current WCL/TCL-X100 Converters
  • fujirumors – Fujifilm X100V coming with 2 way tilt screen
  • fujirumors – Fujifilm X100V with improved 23mm f/2 lens
  • fujirumors – Fujifilm X1o0V approx. price leaked
  • fujirumors – Fujifilm X100V with old NP-W126S Battery and Fujifilm X-T4 with Completely New Battery

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