Fujifilm X-Pro3 Stories #4: Love of Photography… Or Fuji’s Answer on Why the Hidden LCD Screen

Fujifilm published the fourth episode of its Fujifilm X-Pro3 stories series, called “Love of Photography“:

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#4 – Love of Photography

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Some Love for Fujifilm X-H1, Why I Bought Back X-H1 and More X Series Cameras Roundup

X-H1 Love and More

Time for a Fujifilm X camera roundup. And time for some love for the Fujifilm X-H1, too.

Why love?

Well, check out the first video below, made by Nikon shooter TheSnapChick and the second one by Fred Ranger, who bought back the X-H1.

X-H1 DEALS – end Nov. 17

The Roundup

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Gizmon Bokeh Lens Illuminator for Fujifilm X

Bokeh Lens Illuminator

The 35mm f/1.6 GIZMON Bokeh Lens Illuminator has been released for 9,680 yen [converted to $89].

A variety of 20 filters allows you to create different types of bokeh, for example in the shape of a heart or star.

The focal length of the included lens is 35mm.

It’s available for Micro Four Thirds and APS-C cameras, including Fujifilm X mount.

Down below you can read more, see the full specs and see samples and videos.

  • fujirumors.com – Gizmon Utulens Customizable Pancake Lens for Fujifilm X
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Notice of FUJIFILM Application Software Used with “macOS 10.15 (Catalina)”

A few weeks ago, Fujifilm acknowledged compatibility issues of various Fujifilm software with MacOS Catalina.

Now there has been an update.

UPDATE: Nov 14, 2019

Compatibility with macOS 10.15 (Catalina) is added to the application software below. Download them from the website and install them.