How to Fine Tune Your Fujifilm Film Simulation to Get the Ultimate Vintage Look

Let’s Go Vintage

As lovely as Fujifilm’s film simulations come out of the box, there is always a way, to fine tune them to taste, simply by changing some settings quickly in the camera.

For example, so did Pete:

  • click here – This Guy Fine Tuned his Fujifilm Film Simulation Settings Inspired by the Work of Great Film Photographers. See “Chrome Eggleston” & More

Today I would like to share the film simulation receipts of FR-reader Ritchie Roesch, which I stumbled upon in the comments to this article here.

I will share only one here on FujiRumors. For the rest, check out the links I will provide below:

NOTE: Some profiles require newer Fujifilm cameras that have the Color Chrome effect or certain film simulations not available in older cameras


Film Simulation Recipes

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One Year After Leaving Full Frame and Shooting Weddings with Fujifilm X-T3 – Did it Work?

Fujifilm for Weddings

Reggie Ballesteros switched from full frame to Fujiiflm APS-C, and after one year of work, he sums up his experience in a 34 minutes long video (see below).

His camera of choice is the Fujifilm X-T3 (now with big savings)

Down below a summary:

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This Video Shows the New Fujifilm X-Pro3 Tilt Screen in Action

Fujifilm X-Pro3

The Fujifilm X-Pro3 has now been filmed out in the wild. You can see the tilt screen in action in the video above (as well as additional leaked images – thanks).

The video starts at 1:21, where you can see X-Pro3.

The Fujifilm X-Pro3 will be announced on October 23 – LIVE BLOGGING on FUJIRUMORS

Fujifilm Compatible SIRUI Swift P1 Gimbal Launched

Sirui has launched on Indiegogo what they call “the most advanced and compact gimbal“, the SIRUI Swift M1 and SIRUI Swift P1.

The SIRUI Swift P1 is especially designed for ILDC/Mirrorless, Action Camera devices, whereas the SIRUI Swift M1 is designed for smartphones.

Sirui Swift P1 Main Features:

  • Foldable design with patent
  • Lightweight body
  • OLED Info Screen
  • Auxiliary Wheel Dial to Adjust focus, zoom and axis

And as you can see above, it will be compatible also with some Fujifilm cameras and lenses.

All details at the Sirui Indigogo page and at the SIRUI Swift M1 and SIRUI Swift P1 page.

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