Fujifilm Launches ‘Create Forever’ Storytelling Workshops in USA and Video Tutorials + Glossary Series

Fujifilm has launched “Create Forever”, a series of free tutorial videos and storytelling workshops.

The Create Forever content series is a celebration of storytelling. It’s a celebration of being in the moment, doing what you love, and building a legacy that will be enjoyed by generations to come. We want to inspire you to tell your story, teach you how best to tell it, and provide you with a stage to share it from.

We believe everyone’s story deserves to be heard, so sign up for a workshop, upload an image, and become part of our community.

Fujifilm’s driving force behind the Create Forever campaign is to encourage creators to go forth in the pursuit of making something that matters to them.

And while it is technically a marketing campaign, it surely goes well beyond what we perceive as such and I invite you to check out the dedicated Fujifilm Create Forever page and the workshop section.

To me, this shows once again the great photographic culture Fujifilm has.

Also, check out the Fujifilm Glossary mini tutorial series (all videos below).

via creativityinnovationsuccess

Create Forever Series

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Sigma Will Probably Continue to Ignore Fujifilm X, and Fujifilm is Happy About it

We recently reported about this (google translated) tweet, that seemed to indicate a possibility that Sigma will make Fujifilm APS-C X Mount lenses.

However, I was skeptical, and told you that this is nothing that I can confirm.

In fact, I also reminded you what Sigma officially said:

This is in line with what Fujifilm said, since they declared that they do not want to disclose their protocols with other lens manufacturers:

The update today:

It seems like the (machine translated) tweet we reported about was inaccurate, since in reality what he said is (thanks Mistral):

Tanaka-san is simply noting that Sigma are proposing their APS-C mirrorless lenses in Canon EF-M (very soon), Leica L (next year), µ4/3 and Sony E mount, therefore the only APS-C mirrorless mount let aside by Sigma is the Fujifilm X mount.

What Tanaka says, is that due to various circumstances it’s hard for Sigma to make X mount glass.

There is a lot I love about Fujifilm, but not this kind of protectionism.

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*** The Big NEW X/GFX Camera and Lens Sales Overview here ***

Fujifilm’s Classic Negative Film Simulation Coming via Firmware Update to X-T3, GFX100 and X-T30

Classic Negative

As FujiRumors already told you here, along with the Fujifilm X-Pro3 on October 23, Fujifilm will also launch the new Classic Negative film simulation.

Classic Negative has a lovely nostalgic and vintage touch to it (see images below).

The good news I hear from sources:

  • Fujifilm will upgrade X Processor 4 cameras (Fujifilm X-T3, X-T30 and GFX100) with Classic Negative film simulation

Sadly (if the rumor is correct), my lovely little X-E3 won’t get it.

↓ First Classic Negative Samples at the Bottom ↓

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Fujifilm vs Canon Colors Blind Test Battle – Here are The Results!

Fujifilm VS Canon – Colors

Canon and Fujifilm both have excellent reputation, when it comes to color science.

Now Andrew compared Fujifilm with Canon RAW as well as JPEG colors.

What we can say ahead:

  • with RAW files, it’s harder for people to have a clear preference
  • with JPEG files, the differences are stronger

The JPEG comparison is more indicative for the so called “color science“, since with RAW files also the converter plays a role.

So, if you don’t have time right now to make the full blind test, I recommend you to go to minute 5:37 of the video and make the JPEG comparison only.

Before I disclose my results, I’d like to say that:

  • I consider Canon colors excellent, and if I should switch brand tomorrow morning , just for the sake of colors, I’d go Canon!

*** TOP TIP ***
turn off “truetone display” on your Mac/iPhone

The Problem

Since I love you so much, in order to give you a more objective feedback, I went through all the comments on the video, and tried to sum them up in a ranking.

It was not easy to summarize, because:

  • sometimes people did not specify enough (example: “Canon is best”)
  • In case of comments like “Canon is best“, I assigned a JPEG point to Canon, although I am not sure those, who made such comments, really made the test
  • In case of Fujifilm, sometimes people did not specify if Classic Chrome or Provia. In which case, I assumed they mean standard Provia
  • In case of close results (just 1 or 2 points of difference), I gave it a “same same”

Overall, reading the comments, I had the impression that those, who said to be Fujifilm shooters, had a very open minded and honest approach to the test. Bravo!

The Results

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Sigma Fujifilm X Mount Lenses Coming?

Sigma Fujifilm

Not too far away, Sigma CEO said:

But here on FujiRumors we told you:

Well, it seems there is hope, since at thisistanaka said on twitter here:

16mmF1.4, 30mmF1.4, and 56mmF1.4 have already been released for SONY and OLYMPUS, but they are tailored to EF-S mounts. The rest is Fuji’s XF mount, but this seems to be difficult due to various circumstances. In any case, I was curious that SIGMA started working on Canon’s mirrorless camera lens.

It’s not clear if this really means they will 100% surely release X mount lenses. But surely we hope for it, although Fujifilm clearly said:

Fujifilm does need to share X mount protocols with third-parties, since we offer already lots of glass. But if third-parties reverse-engineer AF lenses for X mount, that’s good from a customers’ point of view

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