Fujifest 2019: Wordwide Fujifilm X-Pro3 Tour Dates and Locations

At the most recent Fujifilm X summit, Fujifilm announced “Fujifest“, a series of events all over the world to give customers the chance to play around with the Fujifilm X-Pro3 and other latest and greatest Fujifilm gear.

Now Fujifilm published the full list of countries and dates of the Fujifest 2019. You can see the full list down below.


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Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 Accurate Size Comparison with XF 56mm f/1.2 and XF 50mm f/2

Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0

As we reported here, for the sake of size and weight, Fujifilm canceled the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 from the roadmap and replaced it with a smaller Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0.

The new Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0 will be 35% smaller than the latest Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 mock-up and also weight under 900 gram, as opposed to the 1.3 kg of the XF 33mm f/1.0.

So I thought I take the official Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0 images shared by Fujifilm here and compare its size with the Fujinon XF56mm f/1.2 and Fujinon XF 50mm f/2.

While this is as accurate as it gets, keep in mind that this is just an early prototype and the final version will surely see some changes.

According to the first results from our survey, you guys agree with Fuji’s choice to change focal length in order to make the lens smaller and lighter.

XF90 vs XF50/1 vs XF16-55

7Artisans Leica M to Fujifilm X and Leica M to Fujifilm GFX Mount Adapters

7Artisans Fujifilm Adapters

7Artisans is probably known well amongst Fujifilm shooters for their very affordable lenses, such as:

But they also have several adapters in offering, such as the 7Artisans Leica M to Fujifilm X mount adapter, and the Leica M to Fujifilm GFX adapter.

More about both both lenses down below.

Leica M to Fujifilm X Adapter

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Some LOVE the Fujifilm X-Pro3, and Here is Why!

Fujifilm X-Pro3 – A Camera to Hate

Today I thought I try to balance out the X-Pro3 sh*tstorm, by sharing a few stories of people, who actually either like or understand (and hence accept) the new X-Pro3 hidden tilt screen concept.

If you ask me personally, I admit that my first reaction was also something like “what the heck is this?”

But you know what I have learned from reading the massive (and brilliant) essays of Michel de Montaigne?

I have learned that we should try to “suspend our judgment“.

So, I try not to judge and to remain skeptical.

Only after I was able to try, feel, shoot and experience the Fujifilm X-Pro3 by myself, I will judge it!

Because I actually never used it… did you?

Fujifilm X-Pro3 – A Camera to Understand

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Anti-Slide Skin Guard Shield for Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujinon XF23mm f/1.4 Lens

If you want to add protection to your Fujifilm gear, you might be interested to know about the Anti-Slide Skin Guard Shield for Fujifilm.

So far I find it available on AmazonUS forĀ Fujifilm X-T3 (in leather texture of carbon fiber texture) and the Fujinon XF23mm f/1.4 (in leather texture or Carbon Fiber texture).

You can find the customer reviews at AmazonUS here.

Fujifilm X-T3 Anti-Slide Grip Holder Skin Guard Shield

  • Dedicated design for Fujifilm X-T3 only
  • Protects your camera against unwanted scratches
  • Enhances the grip and provides a more secure hold
  • Decorates your camera to be more stylish
  • Material: Premium carbon fiber film / PVC leather

Fujinon XF 23mm f/1.4 Anti Slide Skin Guard Shield

  • Dedicated design for Fujifilm Fujinon XF 23mm F1.4 R lens with Fujifilm original petal hood or LH-XF23 lens hood
  • Protects your lens and hood against unwanted scratches
  • Accurate cutouts, easy to install, and No traces when removed
  • Decorates your lens to be more stylish
  • Material: Premium carbon fiber film / PVC leather