Now it’s My Turn: 3 Firmware Updates I wish for my Fujifilm Cameras (Includes Stop Self Timer Reset!)

My favorite lens on my Fujifilm X-E3 is definitely the XF 27mm F2.8

My 3 Little Firmware Wishes

When it comes to firmware updates wishlists, you guys are simply unbeatable and give Fujifilm a terrific feedback.

But today it’s my turn to give a little contribution, in the hope (well, I actually know it) that Fujifilm will read this.

If you agree with me, then please comment down below. The more we are, the better Fujifilm will listen.

I won’t ask for the “big things” (such as internal F-log my X-E3 or 120 fps for my X-T1), but for 3 “minor” things, which, if fixed, would simplify my shooting experience A LOT!

1 – Keep Self-Timer Enabled

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Meike Vertical Battery Grip for Fujifilm X-T2 at Amazon


Meike Vertical Grip for Fujifilm X-T2

We already told you back in July about the Meike vertical grip for Fujifilm X-T2.

Well, the MEIKE MK-XT2 Pro Professional Battery Grip is now listed at some Amazon stores.

If you are interested, make sure to check out AmazonUS, AmazonUK, AmazonDE to see when they finally start taking orders (currently not listed or listed as “unavailable”).

It is available at the Chinese store fengniao.

via ephotozine

Overview of the FUJIFILM Exhibition at Photokina 2018

As you know, Fujifilm has launched a dedicated Fujifilm Photokina microsite, where you can check out all the events planed for photokina.

Now they also published an official press release with all the details.

Well, actually not really all the details, since they don’t tell you that they will display also the Fujifilm GFX 50R, which will be announced on September 25 at 07:30 AM New York time :).

Here is the press release:

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Medium Format is the Future and Now Has its Own Premium Magazine

Fujifilm Medium Format

Let’s start with a few names that might sound familiar to you: Olaf Sztaba, Patrick La Roque, Jonas Rask, Ming Thein, Lloyd Chambers and more.

What do they have in common?

Well, they shoot medium format, and they now contribute to the new magazine launched by our friend Olaf Sztaba,

And not the magazine. There are also webinars, PDF Guides and educational materials from the best medium format shooters out there. A complete package!

Join now, and take advantage of a special pre-launching price. Check out all the details at

NOTE: This is not a sponsored post. I share it because the project of having a magazine dedicated to medium format photography is surely interesting for many FR-readers, and also because Olaf is a friend of FujiRumors, and one of the first supporter of the FujiRumors fair trade T-shirts initiative, that contributed to raise $5,000 for charity, helping Cambodian kids to get access to free education.

Sony Brings Global Shutter Technology to APS-C sensors

Global Shutter

*** BREAKING: First Specs and Accurate Price Indication of Fujifilm GFX 50R here on ***

Sony has expanded its global shutter line-up (Pregius sensors) to APS-C, for both, monochrome and RGB sensors (see Sony hereMonochrome Pregius PDF / RGB Pregius PDF).

Previously it was available only for 1″ sensors or smaller.

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Here are all details:

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