Notice of Fujifilm Application Software Used with macOS 11.0.1 “Big Sur”

Notice of Application Software Used with macOS 11.0.1 “Big Sur”

Nov 16, 2020
FUJIFILM Corporation

Thank you very much for using FUJIFILM products.
We have checked the performance of our application software used with “macOS 11.0.1 (Big Sur)” which was newly released from Apple. As a result, we have confirmed the symptoms described below.

We will fix the symptoms by upgrading the application software. And we plan to post the upgraded ones sequentially on our global website.
Therefore, if you plan to upgrade the OS, keep in mind that those symptoms will occur.
Your understanding is highly appreciated.

Applicable application

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Fujifilm Camera Remote 4.6.1 Released

Fujifilm Camera Remote App

Fujifilm Camera Remote 4.6.1 update has been released.

  • Support for iOS14
  • Bug Fixes and performance improvements
    *Above feature varies depending on what camera you use

You can download the iOS version at the AppStore and the Android version here.

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Fujinon XF10-24mm F4 R OIS WR Shipping November 26

Fujifilm has issued a press release, where they announce that the new Fujinon XF10-24mmF4 R OIS WR will be released on November 26.

The release date of the “FUJINON LENS XF10-24mmF4 R OIS WR”, which was announced recently as “scheduled to be released late November 2020”, has been decided.

Release date: Thursday, November 26, 2020

Looking at the XF10-24 page of BHphoto, they still mark the lens as shipping on November 19, but I guess the date will be changed soon now that Fujifilm has released an official date.

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Fujinon XF 50mmF1.0 Review by Christopher Frost: “Easily the Sharpest Lens I Have Ever Tested at Apertures Brighter than f/1.2”

Christopher Frost has published his review about the brand new Fujinon XF50mmF1.0.

I will provide written summary below for those of you guys, who are in a hurry and don’t have the time to watch the video right now.

Full Frame Equivalency

  • The dimensions of the XF50mmF1.0 are very similar to the ones of the Full Frame Sony GM 85mmF1.4
  • the advantage of the Fujifilm optic is that the max. aperture of f/1.0 will mean that an enormous light intensity is hitting your camera sensor, leaving you with much faster shutter speeds than all other lenses
  • f/1.0 is twice as bright as f/1.4 and 66% brighter than f/1.2, so it really gives you a substantial advantage.
  • The XF50mmF1.0 is a dream lens not only for bokeh, but also for shooting indoors and in darker situations. It could be an incredible lens for wedding photography or video work.

Build Quality and Autofocus

  • build quality more or less second to none. Fantastic and professional feeling
  • lens is big and heavy
  • metallic and solid feeling
  • well weather sealed
  • aperture ring a bit too easy to change away from f/1.0
  • metallic focus ring turns extremely smoothly, but the way it works with the focus motor is pretty jerky, so using it is not the smoothest experience
  • very little focus breathing
  • internal microphone picks up sound of the focus motor
  • autofocus on X-T3 with firmware 3.00 (old firmware): autofocus works OK but is a bit unsure of itself hunting around a bit
  • autofocus on X-T3 with firmware 3.00 (new firmware): huge change. Focus is reasonably quickly and confidently even at f/1.0
  • DC AF motor is noisy

Image Quality


  • usually such fast lenses almost never have great image quality wide open
  • f/1.0: high resolution but low contrast. A little bit of purple fringing in high contrast edges. But he is really impressed by the great amount of detail being captured at f/1.0. You can add extra contrast in post. Sharpness remains all across the frame, but the far corner see some softness. But ever other lens he has tested at f/1.0 was significantly softer than the XF50mmF1.0
  • f/1.4: a lot more contrast in the center and reduced fringing
  • f/2.0: perfect image quality in the middle a little more detail in the corner
  • f/2.8 and beyond we can see excellent image quality in the corners, although not quite as perfect as the middle of the image
  • f/11 and f/16 image quality will soften again due to diffraction
  • OVERALL: Easily the sharpest lens he has ever tested at apertures brighter than f/1.2. It captures a very impressive amount of detail at f/1.0. For more contast stop down at f/1.4. For very sharp corners stop down at f/4. But at f/1.0 the lens is already sharp, which is very exciting to see

Distortion + Close up image quality + Flare

  • at f/1.0 just a little bit of pincushion distortion and vignetting is surprisingly moderate. He was expecting much more vignetting
  • af f/1.4 corners brighten a bit
  • at f/2 corners brighten a lot more
  • at f/1.0 close up quality is a bit softer than at normal distances, but still pretty usable. Stop down to see gradual improvements
  • despite the extreme nature of the lens, Fujifilm did fairly well to control flare, with flaring reduced to just a little green point when a bright light hits directly the image

Bokeh + LoCA

  • he really likes the look of it. Smooth, clean and all around gorgeous
  • if you really want to nitpick, then you could say it has slight cat eye shaped balls in the corners with very slight green outline
  • background looks wonderful
  • Longitudinal Chromatic Aberration is a bit noticable from f/1.0 to f/2.0. More or less all gone at f/2.8


  • the experience of using this lens was “out of this world”
  • it’s so cool to shoot at f/1.0 with autofocus
  • not a perfect lens, but unique, very powerful, decently sharp at f/1.0 and renders images with beatiful bokeh
  • $1,500 may be expensive, but Fujifilm achievement with this lens has matched the ambitions
  • he certainly recommends this lens.

This is basically another very positive review, after the one of ePhotozine, which we will link again down below.

  • read here – ePhotozine Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0 Review: “Top Tier Performance, Impressive Chromatic Aberration Performance… Magical!”

Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Pre-Orders

New Fujifilm Financial Results: COVID-19 Can’t Stop X-T4 and X100V, Instax Rises Again but Pandemic Still a Serious Issue

The latest Fujifilm financial results for the 2nd quarter 2021 (1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020) have been released.

Of course COVID-19 had a terrific impact, but there are some signs of recovery and hope.

First of all, after a couple of rather negative reports in the past, Instax seems to be growing strong again, which is, as we know, the real money machine of the imaging division.

But also sales of the Fujifilm X-T4 and X100V were “brisk” and there is a recovery trend in the when it comes to digital camera sales.

And yet, overall the numbers are still negative due to COVID-19, but Fujifilm writes:

Operating income was down, but if COVID-19 impacts are excluded, the segment secured income of a similar level to last year

Overall Fujifilm writes:

In the Imaging Solutions segment, consolidated revenue amounted to ¥113.9 billion (down 26.1% from the same period of the previous fiscal year). Sales of products and services in general decreased due to the impacts of stay-at-home orders, temporary closure of retailers, and a variety of events not being held, or being cancelled, in many cities worldwide due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Consolidated operating loss amounted to ¥2.1 billion.


In the electronic imaging field of the optical device and electronic imaging business, temporary closure of retailers and fewer opportunities to take photos due to the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a decline in revenue. The digital camera market as a whole faced severe challenges and overall demand declined far below the previous year’s level. Nonetheless, sales increased steadily for FUJIFILM X100V, a high-end, compact digital camera launched in February 2020, and FUJIFILM X-T4, a mirrorless digital camera highly regarded for its high-speed AF and advanced video performance, launched in April 2020. In July 2020 we launched the FUJINON Lens GF30mmF3.5 R WR as a new interchangeable lens for the GFXSeries, providing a compact wide-angle prime lens that delivers ultra-high resolution. Then, in September 2020, we launched a new addition to our lineup of interchangeable lenses for the X Series in the form of the FUJINON Lens XF50mmF1.0 R WR, a large-diameter mid-telephoto prime lens, thereby enhancing the appeal of our products as systems through a generous lineup of lenses. Going forward, we will continue providing value-added products and revitalizing the market, along with sharing the joy of taking photos.

In the optical device field, revenue decreased, reflecting reduced sales of broadcast and cinema lenses due to cancellation of sports events, and suspended filming of television dramas and movies, as well as reduced sales of vehicle-mounted lenses due to lower demand in the automotive industry worldwide. Demand for lenses for security purposes held firm, and revenue for the second quarter was higher than the same period of the previous fiscal year. Aiming to achieve business growth in this field, we are expanding our business domains and developing innovative products that satisfy the diverse needs of the market, including developing and launching ultra-short-throw projectors and long-throw security cameras, and developing new multispectral camera systems.

Here are the various documents: