CORRECTION: Fujifilm Spain Says Classic Negative Firmware for Fujifilm X-T3 is NOT Confirmed… and I Wouldn’t Lose Hope Yet!

False Alarm

Just yesterday we reported how Fujifilm Spain said that the next X-T3 firmware update will include Classic Negative film simulation.

Now Fujifilm Spain is correcting their statement. They deleted the comment they made on Instagram and they contacted the Spanish website Fujistas and told them:

We have no official confirmation as to whether the new firmware update for the Fujifilm X-T3 camera will include the Classic Negative film simulation mode

Fujifilm Spain told Fujistas that they confused X-T3 with X-S10 (the latter one has Classic Negative).

That’s a huge pity, but if I was a Fujifilm X-T3 shooter, I wouldn’t give up hope.

Is there Still Hope?

Implementing Classic Negative to the Fujifilm X-T3 is something Fujifilm can do rather easily, as it shares the same processor of the X-T4 and X-S10. And I strongly believe that at some point somebody at the Japanese Fujifilm HQ will have a momentary lapse of reason and give out the order to put Classic Negative into the X-T3!

My idea? (not rumor)

Fujifilm might just want to wait a little bit longer to bring Classic Negative to the X-T3, to protect even more X-T4 sales, which started shipping only 6 months ago in the middle of a worldwide pandemic putting the world under lockdown and causing a worldwide economic crisis… not the best conditions to launch a new camera.

Don’t get me wrong, the X-T4 is like all other X-Tx cameras a hot seller for Fujifilm, but given how amazing* 2020 was so far, it probably didn’t meet the very high target sales Fujifilm envisioned for this camera.

Giving the X-T4 a little “artificial” firmware advantage helps a bit to bring its sales more in line with what Fujifilm was expecting and hoping.

And guys, we all want Fujifilm to survive and possibly even flourish in the camera market, and hence we must accept a bit of Realpolitik because of that.

With all that said, once X-T4 sales are better and probably passed its peak [which I expect to be in early spring 2021], I am confident Fujifilm will give us Classic Negative also on the X-T3.

*sarcastic statement

Fujifilm Spain: Classic Negative Film Simulation Coming to Fujifilm X-T3 via Firmware Update on October 28 – UPDATE

UPDATE: Fujifilm Spain has now deleted the comment and told to Spanish news sites that Classic Negative for X-T3 is not confirmed. Read all details here.

Fujifilm has recently officially announced a major firmware update for Fujifilm X-T3 to come on October 28.

To know what it will bring, check out this post.

Missing from the official list of features is the lovely Classic Negative film simulation (which I love to use for my street photos).

But there is hope!

According to a report by the Spanish website Fujistas, they got confirmation from Fujifilm Spain that Classic Negative will be included in the big Fujifilm X-T3 firmware 4.00 update of late October. And indeed, if you look at Fujifilm Spain Instagram, you can see they told to their followers that Classic Negative will be included.

So, let’s cross fingers. I really love Classic Negative on my X-T4, and I strongly hope that also all X-T3 shooters will soon be able to enjoy this beautiful film simulation, too.

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IBIS COMPARISON: Fujifilm X-S10 vs X-H1 vs X-T4 – Smarter Wiring, 30% Smaller Side by Side with Older IBIS Units

In the latest Fujifilm X Lab episode (which is in Japanese and you rely on a ridiculous automatic google translation that often does not make sense), Fujifilm engineers and managers talk about the Fujifilm X-S10.

They talk about the challenges of shrinking IBIS, how they changed the wiring to make it smaller and more power efficient and other things.

But what is most interesting for us, is that they showed the brand new IBIS units of the Fujifilm X-S10 side by side with the one of the Fujifilm X-H1 and Fujifilm X-S10.

As we have learned during the the launch event (which we shared in our huge X-S10 live blog), the IBIS unit on the X-S10 is about 30% smaller over the one on the X-T4.

And looking at the images below, you can really see how the X-S10 IBIS is clearly smaller than the X-T4 IBIS, not to talk of the X-H1 IBIS, which is the first IBIS Fujifilm ever created (well, that’s not technically not correct, but seriously, we don’t count this one, ok?).

It’s impressive how rapidly Fujifilm is proceeding with the miniaturization process of its IBIS, which is a declared top priority for Fujifilm.

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Viltrox 85mmF1.8 II Firmware 1.0.7 Released

Viltrox has released a firmware 1.0.7 for the Viltrox 85mmF1.8 II. Down below you can find details and download links.

  1. Fixed the problem that the video focus speed is too fast.
  2. Fixed the problem that the video focus speed is too fast when the lens is used on the model with non-adjustable video focus speed
  3. Fixed the problem of not being able to focus in video focus
  4. Fixed the problem that the video focus speed adjustment is invalid in some models
  5. Fixed the problem that auto focus did not respond when video focusing

You can access the firmware page here and download the firmware file here.

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SIZE COMPARISON: Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6 vs XF55-200mmF3.5-4.8 vs XF100-400mmF4.5-5.6 vs XC50-230mmF4.5-6.7

One of the most my personal most pleasing surprises of yesterday’s Fujifilm X Summit, was to see the lovely Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6.

It’s compact, it works with both, the 1.4x teleconverter and the 2x teleconverter and it is definitely a lens that I can see becoming a huge hit for Fujifilm.

Fujifilm showed some hands-on images yesterday at the X summit (all visible in our dedicated article), and they also shared some technical sketches.

I couldn’t resit my own curiosity, so I took the technical sketches and used it to compare it to other Fujinon lenses, more specifically to the.

You can see the results above.

Based on the size comparison, I tried to approximately measure the size of the Fujinon XF70-300mm f/4-5.6, and I saw that it is roughly 1.5 cm longer than the Fujinon XF55-200mm f/3.5-4.8.

Hence, according to this calculation, the Fujinon XF70-300mm f/4-5.6 is about 133 mm long.

Also, according calculations made by FR-reader Fujiste, it should have a 72mm filter size.

If you want to see all the hands-on images of the the Fujinon XF70-300mm f/4-5.6 mockups, check out this article here.

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