Fujifilm X-S10 with 26 Megapixel X-Trans Sensor

Well, I actually gave this for granted, that I did not even ask any of my sources about it.

But somehow I noticed that the comments were on fire lately, wondering if the Fujifilm X-S10 would have an X-Trans or a Bayer sensor.

Well guys, I have told you that the Fujifilm X-S10 will be a “mid-range” camera, and as all Fujifilm mid-range cameras, it will have an X-Trans sensor.

Only the entry level and very affordable Fujifilm X-A line and Fujifilm X-T*** line have a Bayer sensor.

  • see here – Fujifilm BAYER vs X-TRANS Blind Test: 88% of Preferences Go To…
  • read here – Fujifilm X-Trans Vs. Bayer: Pros and Cons of Going Bayer or Sticking with X-Trans Sensor

Down below the Fujifilm X-S10 rumor summary:

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Fujifilm X-S10: Fuji’s First Mid-Range Camera with a Deep Grip

Fujifilm X-S10 mockup by FujiRumors (not the real camera)
Fujifilm X-S10 mockup by FujiRumors (not the real camera)

According to our sources, the Fujifilm X-S10 will have a nice deep grip, which I know many of you will love to hear.

It will be Fuji’s first mid-range camera with a deep grip, as the X-E3 and the X-T30, but also the X-T200 and X-A7, have none to very small grips only.

The only other Fujifilm X series camera with a deep grip is the Fujifilm X-H1.

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Fujifilm Camera Remote 4.6.0 Released

Fujifilm Camera Remote App

Fujifilm Camera Remote 4.6.0 update has been released.

  • Bug Fixes and performance improvements
    *Above feature varies depending on what camera you use

You can download the iOS version at the AppStore and the Android version here.

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BREAKING: Fujifilm X-S10 will Cost About $999

This comes in fresh today, and I think you’ll LOVE it!

The Fujifilm X-S10 will cost about $999.

If you ask me, that’s a very aggressive pricing. Well done, Fuji :).

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Fujifilm X-S10 Coming with X-T4 alike Selfie Screen

You guys are really getting better ;).

When we shared the first rumors of the upcoming Fujifilm X-S10, many of you predicted it would have a selfie screen (or let’s call it “vary-angle screen“, which sounds more “professional“).

Well, you were absolutely right.

The Fujifilm X-S10 will indeed have a selfie screen, and to be more precise, the X-T4 selfie screen (not the unique X-T100 screen).

In my opinion, unless you shoot selfie video/photos, the 3-way tilt screen of the X-T3 is the better way to go, as it will always stay nicely centered to your camera and never go in the way of your strap (I wrote about how annoyed I am that my Peak Design strap always covers the X-T4 selfie screen when I tilt it out).

Yep, you can tilt the X-T4 screen inwards to protect the LCD, but a ridiculously cheap X-T4 screen protector will do the same job.

The real advantage of the selfie screen is one, and only one: when tilted inwards, the camera looks even more vintage. And I like that :).

But if you stand behind the camera, and not in front, a regular 3-way tilt screen is just better.

To be fair, as a teacher during COVID-19 times, I must admit the selfie screen on my X-T4 served me very well. But if it wasn’t for that, I’d see no point in selfie screens.

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