New Fujifilm Camera Registered and Coming October 16

Nokishita spotted the registration of a new Fujifilm camera, the FF200001.

Fujifilm’s digital camera “FF200001” has passed FCC certification. Equipped with Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n) and Bluetooth (same RF module as X-Pro3 model number [WM-BN-BM-26 _A_ FF3 ]) .

he designated date for public disclosure of the certified material is October 16, 2020.

This is a list of model numbers of Fujifilm wireless parts, which is not very helpful

WM-BN-BM-26_A: X-E3
WM-BN-BM-26 _A_ FF2: X-H1/GFX50R
WM-BN-BM-26 _A_ FF3: X-Pro3/X-T3/X-T30
WM-BN-BM-26 _A_ FF4: X100V
WM-BN-BM-26 _A_ FF5: X-T4
WM-BAC-BM-25: GFX100
TYPE1FJ: X-A7/X-T200

It’s obviously not the Fujifilm X-Pro4, that I can say for sure! :)

If you want to know what it is, we invite you to stay tuned on FujiRumors.

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via nokishita

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Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0 R WR Product Images Leaked and Fujinon Premista 19-45mm T2.9 Coming Tomorrow

The Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0 R WR product images have now leaked by nokishita. You can see them all down below.

Full Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 press text here.

Also, tomorrow Fujifilm will announce a new Fujinon Premista lens (in addition to the Fujinon Premista 28-100mm T2.9 and  Fujinon Premista 80-250mm T2.9-3.5), the Fujinon Premista 19-45mm T2.9.

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via nokishita

BREAKING: Fujinon XF 10-24mm f/4 Mark II Coming Soon

A Fujifilm manager said back in February 2020, that, within the next 12 months, there will be 4 new Fujinon X mount lenses.

One of them is the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0, which will be announced very soon, on September 3rd.

And thanks to our sources, we also already leaked the following lenses:

And today we are going to share the last one to come, the…

  • Fujinon XF 10-24mm f/4 MK II

So, the complete Fujifilm roadmap for the next few months is the following:

So, my job is done. FR unveiled it all for you. Now feel free to do what you can do best here on FujiRumors: commenting and letting us know what you think about it!

My opinion?

Well, the Fujinon XF10-24 is a great lens already (and I own it), but there were two things I never understood:

  1. why Fujifilm didn’t make it weather sealed (sure, there was no weather sealed Fujifilm X camera when the XF10-24 was launched, but the glorious Fujifilm X-T1 would have followed just 2 months after the XF10-24mmF4 release)
  2. why Fujifilm didn’t give it a marked aperture ring, since it has a constant f/4 aperture

I strongly hope that Fujifilm will implement those two features on the upcoming Fujinon XF10-24mm MK II.

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Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 Announcement on Sep. 3 at 01:00 AM New York Time

I got messages by fellow X shooters, a bit confused on when the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 will be announced, after Fujifilm official set an announcement for September 2.

So let me clear things up.

The September 2 announcement is only for the new Fujinon Premista lenses and other non X/GFX related items (although we reported that Premista lenses cover GFX sensor, too).

The Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 R WR will be announced on September 3 at:

  • 01:00 AM New York Time
  • 07:00 AM Rome Time
  • 10:00 PM (of Sept. 2) San Francisco Time

Fujifilm GFX 100 vs Salt Water Teardown: Weather Sealing Could be Better Around the Dials, but IBIS Unit Could Stabilize a Small Child

Fujifilm GFX100 Teardown

Lensrentals made a teardown of a water damaged Fujifilm GFX100 (it was used in an underwater housing for GFX100 and some water went in).

The main criticism:

The outside part of the camera could be better weather sealed. They write:

Did you notice all those weather resisting barriers and gaskets in the teardown? Yeah, me neither. I did notice some wide-open areas around the command dials you could shine a light through, and pour water in if water happened to be around.

That’s interesting, as Fujifilm managers clearly said that one tricky point to weather seal are the areas around the dials, which is why Fujifilm said here they removed some dials on the Fujifilm GFX100, so it’s better weather sealed. Looks like the dials, that remained, could need an additional sealing.

A $10,000 camera should be better weather sealed, period.

But other than that, the construction is top overall notch. Lensrentals writes:

A medium format camera has a big-ass shutter and shutter slap happens. Fuji has advertised a shock-absorbing shutter, but I hadn’t realized they mounted the entire shutter assembly on springs, it’s not mechanically attached to the body at all.

everything in here was as well supported and robust as you could ever hope. The IBIS unit looks like it could stabilize a small child, and certainly is strong enough to support this big sensor.

Make sure to read the full story and check out all images at lensrentals here.

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