LIVE NOW: Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Beta Tester Shows First Sample Images

UPDATE: the video live stream has been interrupted

Youtuber John Branch has a live stream now, where he said the images were taken with a lens he can’t talk about. The samples look stunningly creamy and have all the pop you can desire ;).

Turns out that, when he scrolled over his images, the metadata shows “Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 R WR”.

Looks like the beta testing phase has started. And no wonder, as Fujifilm promised this lens to come within 2020.

FujiRumors has already leaked the estimated price, which you can find here.

The live stream can be found below.

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SIRUI Explains Why No Fujifilm X Mount 35mm F1.8 1.33x Anamorphic Lens but Promises New Fuji X Mount Lenses in Near Future

Last year Sirui launched the Sirui 50mm f/1.8 anamorphic lens 1.33x on Indiegogo (also for Fujifilm X mount). The lens is now in stock everywhere, for example at BHphoto here.

The next one is the Sirui 35mm f/1.8 1.33x anamorphic lens. The Indiegogo campaign started already.

And now the bad news: the Sirui 35mm f/1.8 is not available for Fujifilm X mount.

When asked about it, Sirui answered (screenshots below):

We want to cover as many mounts as we can so we use adapters but MFT mount size are nearly same with X mount, so not possible to make a X adapter […] MFT mount and X mount are with same size, can’t make adapter.

The good news: Sirui wanted to reassure Fujifilm X shooters and added:

More new lenses for x mount are coming in the near future

The more, the merrier!

Gear Talk Detox Corner: Enchanting and Inspiring Fujifilm APS-C Image Rounudp

There is something I can promise you: in terms of gear talk, we have exciting times ahead. Fujifilm ain’t sleeping ;).

But as exciting as it will be to talk rumors and specs, we should never forget that at the end of all this talk, there is one single goal: get the picture!

And little it matters, that the images down below have all been taken with Fujifilm X-T APS-C cameras and shared at our Fujifilm X-T facebook group.

Today it’s all about inspiration, motivation, ideas and art.

So, may this post motivate you to close that browser tab, where people discuss about the “zero-point-something” difference at 400% magnification between camera X and Y, grab your camera, and simply go out and take pictures.

Oh, and don’t forget:

… the by far fastest growing Fuji X community, is our Fujifilm film simulation group, where we showcase the unedited power of the much praised Fujifilm colors. Make sure to follow that group too, if you want to see what you can get right in camera.

Image Roundup

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RUMOR: Fujifilm to Release a New Mid-Range Camera that is NOT an X-T30 or X-E3 Successor

Tell me, what would be the fun, if Fujifilm would just release what we customers expect? No fun at all, right?

So Fujifilm decided to surprise us and give us something unexpected ;).

But I invite you to read carefully to avoid misunderstandings!

A few months ago here, we told you that Fujifilm will release two mid-range cameras within the end of the Japanese fiscal year (March 2021). Of course if COVID-19 does not force Fujifilm to change plans again.

Now here is the thing.

When FujiRumors shared that rumor, 99% of you guys said “easy, those must be the long awaited X-T40 and the revived X-E4.”

Well, not really.

I can tell you today, that one of those two cameras will be a new mid-range camera line, hence not a direct successor to the Fujifilm X-T30 or Fujifilm X-E3. It’s something different.

And to be clear: there will be two mid-range cameras. This means, besides this new camera we rumor today, there will be another one, which could be a refresh of something we already know, or Fujifilm could surprise us also with the second one.

Hence, in terms of mid-range cameras, here is what we can expect in the next few months:

  • new mid-range camera NOT direct successor to Fujifilm X-T30 or X-E3
  • another mid-range cameras (unknown if a refresh of current camera lines or something new)

And now have fun speculating on what it could be in the comments (although I am pretty sure that nobody of you will make the right guess ;) )

Now that theĀ I am on holiday from my teaching job and I am back from my 2 weeks trip in South Italy, I am working on this and many (!!!) more rumors. The right time to drop the rumors will come, and when it happens, make sure to be instantly notified by following FR on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

Take care guys, and have a fantastic day ahead!
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