Let’s start with a curiosity:
The same guy at Fujifilm, who crafted the original films like Velvia, is still in charge of developing new film simulations. Yep, he is responsible for Fujifilm’s color science since 50 years now! We reported about Minami-San here. A life devoted to colors.
A devotion, that translates into those lovely film simulations, Fujifilm X and GFX shooters usually appreciate a lot.
Personally, I am at a point, where film simulation are one of the reasons, I would not leave the Fuji system anymore. I mean, it’s nice to know I come home from a 2 weeks holiday with many images, and that those lovely film simulations will save me lots of editing time because they give me great results out of the box.
And then I thought…
Many of you reading this blog, maybe don’t own a Fujifilm camera, maybe you just think to get one, and maybe you wonder what’s all the buzz around these “film simulations”.
Well, in order to show you this, I decided to launch e new facebook group, dedicated to Fujifilm film simulation: Fujifilm Film Simulations Facebook Group.
In this group, images can be edited in all their parts (sharpening, shadow/highlight recovery etc), except for colors. The colors must come purely out of the Fujifilm camera (or be applied in post in Capture One / Lightroom)
So, if you are curious to see the Fujifilm film simulations in action, or if you want to share your own images and display the power of Fuji colors, then feel free to join here.
The Power of Film Simulations – IMAGES